a litigious society, i don't think so do you..... lol lol lol. my 2 cents.
This person has been watching FAR TOO MUCH Daytime Television. Not the programming - ...The commercials. You've seen them - they go something like this:
"Hello...Are you sitting around being useless with no job and DOING NOTHING? Are you looking to MANUFACTURE a frivolous Lawsuit*? ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO SUE? ARE YOU LOOKING TO BE PAID FOR BEING COMPLETELY USELESS? We can help you sue them - and Rich Rewards will be YOURS!"
This person has been watching too much of this sort of thing. Pay more attention to Oprah and Judge Judy and less to the commercials.
*NOTE: This pitch is ALSO often dressed in the clothing of "Accident Victim", "Medical Malpractice/Faulty Medication," or "Victim of a Defective product".