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making a member an officer

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Fri, Mar 18 2016 8:51 PM (12 replies)
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  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2016 6:07 PM

    I'd suggest the following!

    If the club owner is willing, he/she can/should post a letter of intent to both WGT and in the respective clubs forum page (Pinned) In effect this Letter should clearly define a person or person who in the event of a prolonged absence or death of the clubs owner, that an orderly succession and transfer of ownership might be effected.  

    I've placed such a letter on file in my own club and with WGT, as I have a serious and potentially life threating conditions know as COPD! But, lets look at things realistically, as virtually anything can happen to anyone anytime, so making such provisions by an owner for their membership is not only a prudent, but to my mind at least, a wise and necessary part of being a club owner!


  • wizzkid32
    154 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2016 11:05 PM


    If the club owner is willing, he/she can/should post a letter of intent to both WGT and in the respective clubs forum page (Pinned)

    In effect this Letter should clearly define a person or person who in the event of a prolonged absence or death of the clubs owner, that an orderly succession and transfer of ownership might be effected.  

    I've placed such a letter on file in my own club and with WGT,

    But, lets look at things realistically, as virtually anything can happen to anyone anytime, so making such provisions by an owner for their membership is not only a prudent, but to my mind at least, a wise and necessary part of being a club owner!



    I agree with everything you say, BUT, will WGT actually honor that posting and transfer ownership accordingly?

    I hope a WGT Admin will post their thoughts in this thread.



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