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Tier Advancement, Give us a Choice.!

Tue, Dec 16 2014 9:25 PM (19 replies)
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  • meesterbond
    34 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 10:54 AM

    HI WGT,

       I have a suggestion for you regarding the automatic tier advancement, I think there should be a choice on whether you want to advance to the next tier.

    According to you rules the current reason is " to ensure that you will compete against other players of similar ability", I don't think so !! . Maybe as you start off as a novice (hack) the tier advancement is quite a novelty but to me who was quite happy at Tour Master and has just been forced to Legend is a bit soul destroying.

    I was on level 72 which was low compared with most of the Tournament leaders , 85+ at T.M level, I was way behind with my equipment and now that I'm at legend there is no point in paying and competing in competitions . I would need to spend $$$$$$  to buy juices, play every hour of every day to get anywhere near the higher level of the Legends tier!!!,

    But I guess that's WGT 's strategy,give me 200 free credits to make us spend 10 times that amount . OK rant over, just please, please give us a choice!!! 

    Keep up the good work, love the game.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 11:06 AM
    You'll grow to love the Legend tier. Lots of advice out there to help you cope.
  • TopShelf2010
    10,971 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 11:12 AM


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 11:25 AM


    HI WGT,

       I have a suggestion for you regarding the automatic tier advancement, I think there should be a choice on whether you want to advance to the next tier.

    According to you rules the current reason is " to ensure that you will compete against other players of similar ability", I don't think so !! . Maybe as you start off as a novice (hack) the tier advancement is quite a novelty but to me who was quite happy at Tour Master and has just been forced to Legend is a bit soul destroying.

    I was on level 72 which was low compared with most of the Tournament leaders , 85+ at T.M level, I was way behind with my equipment and now that I'm at legend there is no point in paying and competing in competitions . I would need to spend $$$  to buy juices, play every hour of every day to get anywhere near the higher level of the Legends tier!!!,

    But I guess that's WGT 's strategy,give me 200 free credits to make us spend 10 times that amount . OK rant over, just please, please give us a choice!!! 

    Keep up the good work, love the game.

    So you'd rather hang out on the ladies tees in an attempt to dodge any challenge of the game.


  • SextonBW
    12 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 5:07 PM



    So you'd rather hang out on the ladies tees in an attempt to dodge any challenge of the game.


    This is the opinion of your ego. 

    If Meesterbond is saying what I think he is saying, then I agree with him wholeheartedly. 

    I play the game to have fun and pass some free time. I had just as much fun playing from the "ladies tees" with starter clubs as I do now. I started playing this game back in 2010, before all the tiers were implemented. I had fun.

    I had to stop playing for awhile after they moved me back a few tees and I could no longer game with starter clubs, it was impossible. We are left with a choice at that point, spend money to purchase all new equipment or don't play. 

    I enjoyed the game so at that time I purchased new equipment so I could continue to play (the equipment cost much less then). I took about 4 years off because I am not a hard core gamer, I just play for fun, I do not play for stats, tiers, or any other egotistical reason. I had a lot less free time on my hands so I quit playing for quite a while. You can see that I still game the equipment I acquired back in 2010, with the exception of my wedges and putter it isn't even available anymore. With the equipment that I have there are many par 4's that I cannot even reach in two on some courses and several par 3's I cannot reach in 1.

    So the reason I would choose to stay on a tier rather than move up, and back, is so that I am not forced to purchase all new equipment just to be able to simply play. If I move back another set of tees I am looking at having to drop a substantial amount of money for new equipment for a game I just play occasionally or stop playing. Now if I played religiously like some people do, then I could understand the investment. But for people like myself I think it is unfair to force us to spend the money for all this new virtual equipment, which is expensive, just to be able to play from those tee's.

    So having said that, I don't understand your egotistical comment about "ladies tee's" and avoiding challenges. I enjoy a challenge as much as the next guy, but spending cash is not a challenge. To tell you the truth, I would have just as much fun hitting from the "ladies tee's" using starter clubs.

    If you don't agree with that, then tell me what is the challenge of 125 yd tee shot into a par 3 with a 125PW versus a 95 yd tee shot with a 95PW? This challenge you speak of is $$. I play real golf on a regular basis, so I know the answer to the following questions. Do you think spending more money on a driver in real life makes you hit your drives 80-100 yards further? Do you think there are any 3 irons on the planet that are 40 yards apart in distance when hit by the same golfer?

    The purpose of this is for WGT to make money by moving you back tiers. Which I am not complaining about at all, it is a great game. And for the people who play for stats and tiers and *** like, they know they have to spend that $$ and don't mind, its ok. What I am complaining about is them forcing people like me to buy upgraded equipment just to continue to play. Its the way in which they average scores, which is not a true average at all. Right now they say my average is 68...psssh not even close. They choose the best rounds to calculate the average so they can move you back, and then you have to spend to stay competitive.

    So yes, I also believe it should be a choice. If people choose not to move up tiers or back tees, limit the equipment to tiers/tees so they don't have an unfair advantage.



  • DarkenRahl
    2,116 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 7:20 PM


    Its simple, don't play ranked rounds or compete in tournaments that require you to play from your assigned tees.  If you play simply for enjoyment of the game and enjoy it from short tees then just play what you want in practice modes.  

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Dec 14 2014 8:27 PM

    Legend at level 72? Don't know how that happened, but it's a pretty rocky road. I'll sort of echo what TopShelf had to say. Keep plugging away. Save those vid credits Play loads of ranked rounds. Eventually you'll be able to get some equipment that will work. 

    Good luck.

  • meesterbond
    34 Posts
    Tue, Dec 16 2014 11:15 AM

    AH AHHHHHHHHH, well put Sexton, that's Exactly my point !! I too play real golf so to speak, playing off 9 at the moment love it, real challenges ;-).

    Just to add to Michael Strokes intelligent remark - If you mean THE CHALLENGE of spending ridiculous amounts of money on top equipment, adjusting your aim for the wind and hitting the ding then I think I'm up for it , I've been playing this game (for fun like sexton) since 2009 pal.

    Thanks again SextonBW, and just to re-iterate we both love playing on here my comments were merely a suggestion.

  • meesterbond
    34 Posts
    Tue, Dec 16 2014 11:33 AM


    Yeah good point TopShelf, I was doing very well at RG's at master Lvl, and was moved upto Tour Master quite quickly, maybe I shouldn't of won so many lol. 

    I've just tried watching video's as you suggested ,erm....... it was 15mins of my life that I won't get back lol, I had to turn of my pop-up blocker, then every advert buffered, I think I will just have to delve deep and upgrade my equipment !! Wifey won't be happy, she already thinks I play to much Golf, real golf that is !

    Thanks for your support and kind words though pal.


  • meesterbond
    34 Posts
    Tue, Dec 16 2014 11:51 AM

    Thanks Courteney, I'm sure I will, lovin it so far. I will have to upgrade my equipment though, I'm too competitive , so watch out leaders in the club house.

    Thanks for your CC invite, I've turned down a lot recently purely because I'm under the impression you need to play regularly to join one. I can't commit to that, but if that's not one of your criteria then I would love to join your country club, If the invite is still open.

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