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christmas club challenge

Mon, Jan 12 2015 5:30 AM (47 replies)
    3,174 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 11:02 AM


    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 6:55 AM

  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 7:15 AM


    As good an idea that is to make things interesting, it makes the previous 5 weeks null and void really due to the amount of points on offer for each match (unless I have totally misread it).

    We have enjoyed the competition as a club and we will of course go with whatever is decided, but I have to disagree with the proposal above, sorry.

    Affo (SEL owner)

    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 10:20 AM

    hello affo

    i take on board all you have said and im sorry you dont agree with the above proposal of a stableford last match with all point scored adding to your total score but i think it gives all the clubs a chance,a slim one at that of winning or getting close to your team who i think are the team to beat,it doesnt make the last five weeks null because i hope we have all made new friends, i know i have and thats what i wanted this club challenge to be all about.perhaps i should have put this in from the start but thats me mate i like to mix things up.

    i didnt start this thing to win it,we are all winners.dont be sorry mate because its a new thing for me and i accept a bit of constructive criticism,

    i hope to do more of these challenges and i hope your club will be involved in them

    all the best


  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 1:37 PM

    Hi Paul,

    Didn't mean to come across too harsh there, i'm a numbers man, not words :)

    I am a bit competitive too, and was only meaning the table part as being null, but yes, my members have all said how enjoyable the games have been and a lot of positive comments about the opposing team members.

    I think the whole mini league concept is a good one, and yes, SEL would like to be included in any future ideas you have, our Online team is now up to 24 at last count, got to keep them busy somehow!

    Like I said before, we will go with whatever you decide, no worries!

    If you want to float any future ideas around, feel free to contact me for any help/ideas.



  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Fri, Dec 19 2014 9:57 PM

    I am with affo on this one, whatever is agreed at the start you should stick with. I am not in the current team because I am on hols but please play fair, SEL have proved their worth against what I know to be very good opposition.


    Rob (SEL Member)

  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Sun, Dec 21 2014 3:03 AM

    a good comp enjoyed by all at NQHP we will be in for the next one

    cheers andy owner NQHP

    3,174 Posts
    Sun, Dec 21 2014 4:44 AM

    hello all

    after much thought and getting feedback from a lot of players i have decided to scrap all points scored counting towards total points total,perhaps in hindsight i was jumping the gun a little bit and trying to put too much into what should be a simple league format.perhaps i can put it into the next one i do and there will be another .im not stopping here only beginning lol.

    i am keeping the same format of stableford with 3points win,1 point draw 

    matches will be posted xmas eve but you can have a couple of days off,play will commence 27th dec for two weeks finishing on 10th jan

    merry xmas all 


    thx andy and affo  for the feedback i have enjoyed doing this mini league and yes i hope  your clubs will be in the next one

    all the best 


  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sun, Dec 21 2014 7:19 AM

    Cheers Paul,

    Perhaps the next one could be some form of stableford points from the start, that would be quite interesting I think.

    Merry Christmas to all the teams from SEL.


    3,174 Posts
    Wed, Dec 24 2014 1:00 AM




    Hello all


    Welcome to match 6,the  last match in what has been a very enjoyable little mini league,with four

    Very competitive but fair teams in the Christmas cc challenge.

    We will have played 144 games over the past twelve weeks with players from all over the world with four different formats

    I would like to thank the other captains ian fapc,trents se links and gary nqhp for helping me post games and giving me advice whenever I needed it and I did at times believe me,also roy and jeff from dgcc for giving me the chance to start this league up.

    I hope all the players have enjoyed it as much as I have and made new friends which is what this competition aws all about.

    Il be starting something else in the next month and I hope you will all be involved

    Merry xmas and happy new year to you all


    Paul dgcc.


    Match 6

    Same rules apply

    1 home team friends

    2 away team gives dates and times when they can play

    3 home teams picks one

    4 home team picks course and game on.


    Stableford rules


    Bogey=1,par=2,birdie=3 and so on

    The home team player to post scores after each hole and away player agrees,

    Best to have pen and paper to write scores down as you go

    After 18 holes(you have got to be quick on this)home team puts final score up and away team agrees

    If there is a + by your name you add the number to your total either at the beginning or the end ,il leave that to both player to agree on.

    3points win 1 point draw


    Bonus prizes

    A sleeve of balls of your choice

    Nearest the pin within 8ft,must be recorded for me to to see

    Longest drive,must be on the fairway and  over 320yds to qualify and recorded.


    All games to be completed by 10th January

    All results to be posted on cc corner on this link

    tables will be updated shortly,waiting for a couple of games to finish.


    Good luck to you all and have fun



    MATCH 6
    gordon0762 TL DRAW Hackerj TL   
    PAULFINN52 L WON Greymack L  
    ianmclean L WON Eddoll L   
    binkybaxter TL WON Bazzeriom TL  
    tony48 L


     Marmel L 
    bigbrian29 L  WON ALLCCKANDMUSCLE L    
    manxassasin1 (L) LOST Andyaldridge L  
    lennoxtown2002  (L)       WON Thesnakeyes L    
    scarletbegonias  (L) +3   WON  Happyman123ukTL   
    shoahey L LOST Gasmoker1 L    
    mickcharvill  (L) LOST Groverider1 L
    andyi45 TL LOST

    Luis000 TL

    Spanishfox(L) DRAW Islandergolf - L
    poppagolf(L) WON Papagrasutu - L
    hamner1961(L) WON GeorgeJ011 - L
    Rorytran(L) WON Robho54 - L
    Nartjiepieterse(L) LOST GregLH - L
    Rux1805(TM) LOST Timb07407 - TM 
    Stevietwotimes(TL) WON KattyD - L +3
    fonde(TL) WON QuikDrawlMcGraw - L +3
    Affo(L) DRAW  JMcfann (L)
    Inglefield(L) WON Doccowart - TM +3
    Penglish3(L) DRAW  AlaskanDame (L)
    ian1311(L) WON Moneymack - L