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christmas club challenge

Mon, Jan 12 2015 5:30 AM (47 replies)
  • GregLH
    978 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 4:13 PM

    I won my match today with NARTJIEPIETERSE.  

    GregLH - 44


    I went over it a few times but feel free to check the math..


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  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 3:25 AM

    Rux - 42 Timb07407 - 44

    3,174 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 4:51 AM

    one of the other captains has had this message off one of his players

     just had this message from one of my players Fonde:

    Trents, i took  the player off of my friend list , invited him to play at best of par 4's , it was my understanding that it was my choice as home team ! He makes one big issue  about not wanting to play there, because he couldn't get eagle's there and wanted me to play cabo. i told him it was my choice, one thing let to another and didn't get match played, please remove me from the inter cc match's . too much hassle. Just don't want to deal with it right now.  John.

    as i said at the start,the home team can choose any 18 hole  course they want,from st andrews to best of and par 3s,4s,5s,thats their privilege as the home team,if any player is not happy with that,take your name off the cc team list and go and play by yourself,

    as to the player who wrote this dont tar us all with the same brush mate,please carry on i dont want to lose players through this ,its been a great tournament so far,i hope this problem can be resolved by both captains quickly


  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 7:59 AM

    To the player who refused to play the course picked by the home team the rules were outlined before the event started so live with it and you were also getting 3 shots. It is a good job that you were not in my club as I would not have anyone giving my club a bad name leave the team and the club because it is clear that you do not wish to participate in the club event so why be a member.

    To Fonde you were right it was your choice and if the other player refused to play cos he didnt like your choice then so be it chalk it up as a win by default please carry on.

    My opinion


  • iainmclean
    1,294 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 10:14 AM

    Yay, a win for us!

    I played my opponent, eddoll, who proved to be a very good player and I had to bring my best game to the match. I managed to make 10 birdies and the overall score was 62 for me and 67 for Ed.

    The Stableford score was 46 for me and 41 for Ed.


  • bigbrian29
    650 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 1:53 PM

    bigbrian29   41   allcckandmuscle  40

    great game with rob went all the way level at 16th we were level 17th i sank 14 footer that won me the game the score was 65   66

  • bigbrian29
    650 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 1:55 PM

    correction score bigbrian29  41 allcckandmuscle 40

  • manxassasin1
    112 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 2:56 PM





    Hello all


    Welcome to match 6,the  last match in what has been a very enjoyable little mini league,with four

    Very competitive but fair teams in the Christmas cc challenge.

    We will have played 144 games over the past twelve weeks with players from all over the world with four different formats

    I would like to thank the other captains ian fapc,trents se links and gary nqhp for helping me post games and giving me advice whenever I needed it and I did at times believe me,also roy and jeff from dgcc for giving me the chance to start this league up.

    I hope all the players have enjoyed it as much as I have and made new friends which is what this competition aws all about.

    Il be starting something else in the next month and I hope you will all be involved

    Merry xmas and happy new year to you all


    Paul dgcc.


    Match 6

    Same rules apply

    1 home team friends

    2 away team gives dates and times when they can play

    3 home teams picks one

    4 home team picks course and game on.


    Stableford rules


    Bogey=1,par=2,birdie=3 and so on

    The home team player to post scores after each hole and away player agrees,

    Best to have pen and paper to write scores down as you go

    After 18 holes(you have got to be quick on this)home team puts final score up and away team agrees

    If there is a + by your name you add the number to your total either at the beginning or the end ,il leave that to both player to agree on.

    3points win 1 point draw


    Bonus prizes

    A sleeve of balls of your choice

    Nearest the pin within 8ft,must be recorded for me to to see

    Longest drive,must be on the fairway and  over 320yds to qualify and recorded.


    All games to be completed by 10th January

    All results to be posted on cc corner on this link

    tables will be updated shortly,waiting for a couple of games to finish.


    Good luck to you all and have fun



    MATCH 6
    gordon0762 TL Hackerj TL   
    PAULFINN52 L Greymack L  
    ianmclean L WON Eddoll L   
    binkybaxter TL Bazzeriom TL  
    tony48 L


     Marmel L 
    bigbrian29 L  ALLCCKANDMUSCLE L    
    manxassasin1 (L) LOST Andyaldridge L  WON
    lennoxtown2002  (L)       WON Thesnakeyes L    
    scarletbegonias  (L) +3 Happyman123ukTL   
    shoahey L Gasmoker1 L    
    mickcharvill  (L) Groverider1 L
    andyi45 TL

    Luis000 TL

    Spanishfox(L) Islandergolf - L
    poppagolf(L) Papagrasutu - L
    hamner1961(L) GeorgeJ011 - L
    Rorytran(L) Robho54 - L
    Nartjiepieterse(L) LOST GregLH - L
    Rux1805(TM) LOST Timb07407 - TM 
    Stevietwotimes(TL) WON KattyD - L +3
    fonde(TL) QuikDrawlMcGraw - L +3
    Affo(L)  JMcfann (L)
    Inglefield(L) Doccowart - TM +3
    Penglish3(L)  AlaskanDame (L)
    ian1311(L) Moneymack - L




  • manxassasin1
    112 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 2:59 PM


    SCORE ..MS..39         ANDY ALDRIDGE..44

  • gordon0762
    1,152 Posts
    Thu, Jan 1 2015 1:29 PM

    Good game with hackerj

    draw a fair result 43-43
