Speedinc:Went online to the Microsoft site (running XP) who sent me to a 'third party' site to buy this software package
MS stopped extended support for XP in Apr. 2014 and would never redirect you to a 3rd party site to purchase driver update software.They would recommend you check with your computer's OEM.
Which browser are you using, Speedinc? You obviously logged on to WGT to make this post and say that you can play, so your issue doesn't seem to be Flash itself.
Not all computers have an actual graphics card. The graphics driver controls the part of a computer's motherboard called a graphics chipset (also known as an on-board, built-in, or integrated graphics controller or chipset).
Always check your specific computer manufacturer's website before downloading any 3rd party driver detector / drivers. You may have just infected your machine with things you don't want like key loggers and Trojans by downloading that software, regardless if you paid for it or not.
Can you provide a screenshot of your swing meter disappearing?