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Has anyone seen this 'Yip'?

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Sun, Mar 15 2015 11:13 PM (13 replies)
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  • Speedinc
    62 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 2:00 PM

    I need a geek for this one. Desktop flamed out in November. (Same time I get canned from my job!) Fixed an old Toshiba laptop I had, and I'm back In!

    But every now and then i get this 'hiccup' when i pull the meter back. I let go of the mouse to DING it, but the meter line disappears and my avatar swings and misses! It doesn't count against my score, but it freaks the 'Golf snobs' out when I'm in a Multiplayer game. ("Hey, your supposed to 'click' the mouse when the meter gets to the thick white line!")

    Is this a normal yip? Oh, I'm using a USB external mouse and not the 'pad'. Could that be the problem?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 2:05 PM

    It doesn't count against my score, but it freaks the 'Golf snobs' out when I'm in a Multiplayer game. ("Hey, your supposed to 'click' the mouse when the meter gets to the thick white line!")

    Your opponents in multi player games can't see when you swing through.

    How would they know unless you tell them?

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 2:25 PM

    the meter line disappears

    Sounds like a vid card problem. Get online and download the latest driver for whatever card the old lappy has. Flash changes so rapidly it leaves drivers in the dust. 

  • Speedinc
    62 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 1:11 AM

    Sounds like a vid card problem.

    Thanks Jimbeau.

    Went online to the Microsoft site (running XP) who sent me to a 'third party' site to buy this software package that is supposed to scan your PC, find the outdated drivers, then download them for you. Paid 30 bucks for the crap, which found 4 outdated drivers. Fixed them, but the meter is still Yipping!

    I appreciate the starting point.

  • Speedinc
    62 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 1:14 AM

    Your opponents in multi player games can't see when you swing through.

    When the timer expires and they ask you 'What the hell are you doing?' that's when I tell them.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 3:54 AM

    Went online to the Microsoft site (running XP) who sent me to a 'third party' site to buy this software package that is supposed to scan your PC, find the outdated drivers, then download them for you. Paid 30 bucks for the crap, which found 4 outdated drivers.

    I would never buy recommended software from that (or any other) bunch of scam artists.

    I always check this site for free or trial software which is often far better than the paid for downloads. It's safe from virus' and spy/malware.

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 6:06 AM

    Went online to the Microsoft site (running XP) who sent me to a 'third party' site to buy this software package

    MS stopped extended support for XP in Apr. 2014 and would never redirect you to a 3rd party site to purchase driver update software.They would recommend you check with your computer's OEM.

    Which browser are you using, Speedinc? You obviously logged on to WGT to make this post and say that you can play, so your issue doesn't seem to be Flash itself.

    Not all computers have an actual graphics card. The graphics driver controls the part of a computer's motherboard called a graphics chipset (also known as an on-board, built-in, or integrated graphics controller or chipset). 

    Always check  your specific computer manufacturer's website before downloading any 3rd party driver detector / drivers. You may have just infected your machine with things you don't want like key loggers and Trojans by downloading that software, regardless if you paid for it or not.

    Can you provide a screenshot of your swing meter disappearing?

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 6:15 AM

    May i also point you in this direction aswell.It seems to have a fix fo almost everything lol.



  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 6:17 AM

    I get this occasionally when I really hammer the mouse in an attempt to make up for slow reflexes. It very rarely happens twice, as I am usually prepared for a "normal" click the second time around. I always thought it was just me.

    Doc :)

  • Speedinc
    62 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 8:43 PM

    Thanks Russell, I've used this site in the past.

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