With thanks to oneeyedjohn, PaulTon and alosso, you've helped narrow the field. Scratch Cosa Nostra, Grande Oaks and White Rabbit from my list of possible CCs. Your friendly guidance is appreciated.
But you seem to be taking me for some sort of mercenary shark. To clarify, IRL, I'm a 23 handicapper. That's not a shark, that's something found in the chum bucket!!
My game is a bit better at WGT, depending mostly on that fleeting hope for Swing Meter stability, but certainly not crisp enough to rank me as any sort of predator. I do more paying out than raking in, but that just makes the occasional return on the entry fee all the sweeter.
I do certainly respect any Club for hosting member tourmanents at any average entry fee, or none at all. That begs the presumtion that that's how the membership at large like it, which of course is to presume that the membership has any voice in their Club's activities. It's not that way everywhere.
All that is definitely not a complaint against any Club, it's just me still on the search for a Club that offers a good variety of "money" games.
Nickel-dime (5 and 10 credit) games are fine, but if that's all there is, I'm still looking.
But back to the point -- it'd be very much appreciated if WGT could expand the information on individual CCs that would be accessible to the non-member public, simply for the purpose of evaluating that Club. Better for all, Club and prospective member, to know more up front than to be obliged to join that Club in order to see if it suits you.
HA! That just reminded me of a brilliant political adage: "We need to pass the Bill so we can see what's in it." Yeah, that's a great idea. :-)