This will probably start a frenzy..I am willing to bet that many people on here don't do Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, among others), such as myself. So we aren't allowed to play and get the donation made. Sure we can play, but that is where it stops.
Join Twitter just to donate.. Not a F'ing chance.
Sorry I am not of the younger generation that can't hold a conversation with another person. But yet they will sit across from each other and text their conversation, or air their dirty laundry on Facebook, for the world to see.
My kids are of the next generation after the current and even they won't answer a dam phone or listen to a voice mail. But will jump right on a text. To watch them constantly stare at the phone just irks me to no end. We probably were in the last group of people to even get cell phones. We have them, they are a phone. Text and Internet on those phones is turned off. I don't let a phone run my life, like the NOW generation does.
But what can you do. Go ahead fire away, as I am wrong.