I think current issues should be fixed first.
As stated:
1) directors abilities
2) CC bank
3) A lowered price in the golf ball world overall..... Some balls are more than the cost of a friggin club.
The "idea" is a good one ,however, some perspective is needed here to fully grasp what is asked. You ask for 3k to start a tournament and wgt will cover the payouts, ok sounds legit; but it really isn't. I'm not calling wgt money grabbers but, to us (the player) the credits we have are real money. For wgt, it s just a number thatcan be typed in at any amount at no cost. WGT does not BUY their credits, they set an amount and that is that, credits issued and no Real money is revolving anywhere. So when we say "sponsored" remember that thought. To have his, (we) would be spending real money that wgt will enharit while wgt posts fake money for payouts (in essence). With that said, I would not want to "sponsor" a tournament just to get my cc name out there. Our club name is already out there as like most clubs, so it is not benefitting in my view.
Honestly, take care of current issues before going forward with new tourneys. The game play experience is worth more than you can imagine.
Thank you