grumpyolddom: Will these new green speed rounds count for you average
Remember the way the "WGT average" works. Once saturated your average can only ever go down.
As a TM I think that's 50 RRs until saturation (countin RRs played as a TM). Once saturated you average is only an average of your best ever 50 RRs shot within the TM tier. Get to a 61 average with at least 50 counting RRs as a TM, then it's the car park tees and then it's 500 counting RRs again until saturation.
So anything harder than the normal variance can't hurt a saturated average if it leads to a bad score. I guess it is also not speeding things up either as it's time you could be spending playing, "normal" difficulties.
Personally I think the game is now screaming out for a new tier that people can aim for where all this fringe stuff is excluded from calcs, and all stats are rolling.............dream on:) EDIT: Not knocking the fringe stuff, just the fact it's not much chop for stats for so many...Pointless having the stats as it is almost.