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Look Up !!

Sun, Feb 22 2015 8:40 PM (23 replies)
  • why9
    907 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 10:27 AM

    not a single reply in 7 days ...hmmm ...i guess people prefer remaining in the dark and/or walk with horse blinders :(

    sorry Caroline I must of been looking up :p

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 10:55 AM

    so my house anyway :)

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 1:02 PM


    not a single reply in 7 days ...hmmm ...i guess people prefer remaining in the dark and/or walk with horse blinders :(

    If you have to watch that video to be enlightened you have the problem! Sorry!

    Some here have already done all that, worked hard, raised their family, fought wars, watched the world around them change with technology, watched people change (for the worse in my opinion), tried to do something about it to no avail....

    the same politicians keep getting elected, the crime gets worse, the laws become more invasive, the same powers that be run this world regardless of your effort to effect change, there is no such thing as a moderate anymore, your either far left or far right and if your not you become invisible to both of them,  people pick a side and follow like good little sheep oblivious to whats really going on!!

    Look up, I did that for decades, went everywhere I wanted to, provided for my family, helped my friends, took care of my wife when she got sick, but now I don't like what I see when I do and I can't change that! I and other have earned the right to get away from it all, be it here or somewhere else, and I'm grateful because I know there are some here much less fortunate, some suffer from illness, disabilities, other misfortunes, I'm one of the luckier ones...

    Perhaps you should have directed your post to those in perfect health or under 50 yrs of age, not WGT in general...older members like it here, were tired and deserve a rest, we don't NEED it, we deserve it!

    While I admit it isn't as much fun as attending big events like I used to,  at least I know I won't get blown up by some religious fanatic at the parade, or get robbed by some punk who is on probation for the 5th time and still on the streets because today everyone deserves a 2nd chance, and a 3rd, and a 4th, f**k that, I'm too old for it!!! I'm safe here, if anyone comes here to harm me, they are in trouble not me! I might even get killed in a wreck with someone texting or on the phone, you know, looking down...

    So thanks for your concern, but I'm cool,  when I look up I get disgusted or embarrassed by half of what I see anyway!!!!

    Respect your elders, don't try to school us!

    We used to help the elderly carry in their groceries even if we didn't know them, not rob or murder them!

    When it snowed I shoveled my walkways(shovel, not a snow blower), then 2 elderly neighbors houses because I could, not for a fee, and they didn't even have to ask!

    I didn't get in trouble because I didn't want to embarrass my parents, not because they couldn't afford bail money!

    We worked after school and gave the money to our parents!

    Opened the doors for adults and ladies!

    I called my Mom if I was late so she wouldn't worry, from a f'n payphone! (that's a phone you had to put money in to use usually located on street corners and gas stations for those under 30) I call my kids to see how their doing and they "text" me back to see what I wanted!!! Now I have to find my glasses to read it, then find the stronger glasses to see the keyboard in order to respond!!! No f'n respect at all....

    I'm all for technology, I love it...I can't wait to be able to press a button on my key fob and my car comes to me, I'm tired of tipping those valet parking guys! But when it comes to behavior we need to "LOOK BACK" to learn something, not up, or we won't like we see looking forward!





  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 1:08 PM


    and as for your obvious sarcasm, my reply is --->

    Consider the source Caroline. The lack of respect,character and maturity are extremely stunted. 

    As for these forums Caroline, there are only a select few who have nothing better to do than to continuously criticize, disrespect, and bash other peoples post. What kind of person gets pleasure out of constantly bashing other peoples thoughts and opinions in a public internet forum. 2 words sum it up - Classless Coward.

    It is a fantastic video btw.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 1:54 PM

    Interesting post by Dan, and one I more or less just agree with.  

    It's also easy to look back on yester year too fondly, and perhaps more so if you were not actually there.  Some people were lonely then too, but the walk home late on Saturday night was safer.  Also true that religious fanatics were people who just never saw the funny side of the Life of Brian.  They never felt the need to try and set light to their foot next to you.  It was also more fun when cars were fast before speed cameras had not been invented, but hard to say that was a good thing overall I guess:)

    Technology on a social level though is responsible for as much good as harm in the modern world IMO, and I have teen kids.

    Don't know how much this vid has to do with it really, but came to mind even if it is a bit pompous perhaps:)

  • carolineRobert
    1,821 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 2:27 PM


    If you have to watch that video to be enlightened you have the problem! Sorry!

    as i already mentioned, i already knew ...just not as deeply !


    Perhaps you should have directed your post to those in perfect health or under 50 yrs of age, not WGT in general...

    well, obviously, that would have been best but hardly possible. I do realize that most people in here are older men that are retired ...and if that video isn't for someone like you, GOOD. But i do believe that this short informative video can help (even a few) ...and i always want to help if i can.


    But when it comes to behavior we need to ''LOOK BACK" to learn something, not up, or we won't like we see looking forward!

    not everyone needs to look back ...not me anyways as i don't have much to look at when looking back But i understand what you're saying. We might think that society is a lot worst than before with all the things you described, but then again, bigger and better exposures to news of all kind is tainting the picture IMO.

    ps : 2 things i was hoping when sharing the video. A- to help whoever would benefit from watching it. B- to have a normal and intelligent interaction with whoever wanted to share his(her) thoughts.

  • rollone
    777 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 2:36 PM


    please put a more depressing video up


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 3:03 PM

    I too have seen this video some time back, and I think the underlying message is strong for the younger generation,

    Technology has changed the world whether we like it or not. Some advancements in particularly in the health care sector have been astounding and will continue. Technology has changed most industries, mostly for the better.

    But like everything, it depends how we use it.

    As a whole we have access and information at our fingertips instead of devouring books which can be a negative but conversely a benefit. We have become lazy.

    As for Dan's take, I too understand those viewpoints, and concur with most.

    But this video is not aimed at me, nor probably a large percentage of the WGT community.

    I hope that the video touches just a few younger kids, who through technology are missing out on the joys of life. Seeing a group of kids sitting at a table in McDonalds and instead of conversing, they are texting each other - how the hell do we expect people with no social skills to adapt to the real world.

    My kids were lucky that they were allowed access to technology at an early age, but they were supervised and for "leisure" they were limited to a certain a reward. They were not a substitute for parental care.

    But they also participated in sports and were in teams which were competitive -  again something in this politically correct world, being called a loser is not acceptable. That is bs - there are winners and losers in every sphere in life, and this needs to be understood at an early age, not covered up in cotton wool. The stress should be to be the best you can be, that's all we can ask for.

    Yes they had phones, laptops, play stations etc. but the one thing I tried to instil in them was values. They could talk to anyone and have respect for them. Perhaps growing up in Asia helped.

    Was I a good parent - probably not as I was away half the year missing birthdays, Christmas etc. but if they learnt some ethics and values from me, then I can live with that.

    Do I use social media? No as I see little value in telling the world whom I do not know nor even care about, well anything.

    Yes it can be damaging, but it comes down to what we as parents can teach them.

    We cannot turn back the hands of time, but we can still influence and lead by example..

  • 1enigma1
    486 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 4:35 PM


    Interesting post by Dan, and one I more or less just agree with.  

    It's also easy to look back on yester year too fondly, and perhaps more so if you were not actually there.  Some people were lonely then too, but the walk home late on Saturday night was safer.  Also true that religious fanatics were people who just never saw the funny side of the Life of Brian.  They never felt the need to try and set light to their foot next to you.  It was also more fun when cars were fast before speed cameras had not been invented, but hard to say that was a good thing overall I guess:)

    Technology on a social level though is responsible for as much good as harm in the modern world IMO, and I have teen kids.

    Don't know how much this vid has to do with it really, but came to mind even if it is a bit pompous perhaps:)

    Cant remember where or when ive seen that video?, so poetic lol , definitely brought a smile ;-)  

  • garyk49
    2,329 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 4:44 PM

    Dan and Alanti, great posts.  You just said a lot for us old folks.  Find myself shaking my head on almost a daily basis with some of the things that I see and hear from the younger generation.