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A Members Poll

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 24 2015 8:48 AM (25 replies)
  • canujustnip
    195 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 3:35 AM

    In light of the frequent and as yet unsolved issues that are largely Rendering WGT, at times, unplayable, and the fact that despite this, the development team seem more concerned with introducing more and more "fast buck" gimmicks to the detriment  of the core programmes smooth running and efficiency .

     I would Like to propose a subscriber poll . The purpose of the poll would be to collect the views of members with regard to what they want the WGT development team to concentrate on . After all, its your money that's paying for the future development of this game, so its only fair that you should have a say.

     I personally would much prefer that they concentrate on ways to reduce memory usage and smooth simulation/game play rather than being greedy and concentrating on money grabbing gimmicks, but alas, I am only one voice. 

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 4:24 AM

    This has been tried quite a few times.

    Either there is no reply at all, or the only reply is that there will be no reply.

    The Hold-your-Tongue Tribe from Bay Area will not let the public (and the competition) look into their business.

    Concerning "what clients want", remember: They are WGT, hope is futile.

  • treebeard
    228 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 7:55 AM


    This has been tried quite a few times.

    Either there is no reply at all, or the only reply is that there will be no reply.

    The Hold-your-Tongue Tribe from Bay Area will not let the public (and the competition) look into their business.

    Concerning "what clients want", remember: They are WGT, hope is futile.

    Hope is not futile but resistance to change is.Imagine if we all started only playing practise rounds using unlimited balls.Hmmm.........massive loss of income to them,yet we still get our xp.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 8:08 AM

    Players are not WGT's only source of income.

    Many seem to think WGT is making money hand over fist. I would suggest that that is not readily apparent, and that where WGT is based WGT likely has significant monthly overhead expenses like payroll, office space, and server leasing (

    We are not privy to WGT's financials so we can only speculate but there have been news articles that indicate WGT had to secure several million dollars worth of venture capital to get up and running. Venture capitalists expect to be paid back, and expect a return on their investment.

    On the other hand it does seem readily apparent WGT is very poorly managed and fails to maximize the potential of it's business model in that WGT's continual ability to introduce new faults and WGT's inability to fix existing faults in a timely manner likely causes WGT to lose many players thus limiting their total revenue.

    I wonder if there are someones out there keeping track of WGT as an example of how NOT to run a fully successful online game.

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 8:15 AM


    Imagine I'm only interested in my fun, and Starters aren't funny.

    I'm not a revolutionary but a democrate. I believe in ballots.
    What about a ballot by foot?

  • canujustnip
    195 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 9:42 AM

    Yes Treebeard and Apex both made valid points, and I am sure your quite correct when you say WGT has been backed by venture capitalists, they will also have a board of directors and shareholders no doubt, who will all be doing battle with the accountants as is normal procedure with any business venture that is sizable.

     However, the company structure, turnover and creditor debt is largely a separate issue save for setting the annual research and development budget , the nuts and bolts of how their product works and how we as subscribers interact with it is usually left to a production manager and his team .

     The point I have tried to make is that it is obviously more important for this team to understand that its PAYING subscribers want a decent product that works, when that is achieved , then they should start with the fancy money earning gimmicks .

    Or to put it another way , you do not re-spray your car and have go faster stripes painted on it  if you cannot drive it because the engine is busted.    

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 10:02 AM

    I give up on any post more than 5 lines long with no paragraphs.


  • canujustnip
    195 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 10:25 AM


    I give up on any post more than 5 lines long with no paragraphs.



    Edited , Thank you for pointing that out sir.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 10:28 AM



    I give up on any post more than 5 lines long with no paragraphs.




    Edited , Thank you for pointing that out sir.

    NW's more of an observation than a criticism.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 10:44 AM

    As far as i'm concerned, bugs that everyone experiences like the recent RG's not paying out, brackets not running properly, invites to multi player games not being seen & multiple notifications of player activity in the CC's are the things that wgt can and should work on fixing as they are obvious bugs.

    Things like disconnects & meter problems that only a few players get are not bugs and will never be or can be fixed on wgt's end.

    The problem is that the forum is full of complaints about the latter and the more serious stuff like what i mentioned in the 1st paragraph go unnoticed.