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A Members Poll

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Tue, Feb 24 2015 8:48 AM (25 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:20 AM

    First and foremost, and as Alosso says, polls, suggestions etc tend to find their way into the nearest trash receptacle and in the fastest possible way.

    Revolutions do not and will not happen, primarily as there is no viable competition currently. It really is what this game (and every business needs) so all parties front up with an improved product, good customer service and market driven pricing.

    There are bugs and issues at the moment (always have been) but are more severe at the moment. Dazza is partially correct, (RG's not paying out, brackets not running properly, invites to multi player games not being seen & multiple notifications of player activity in the CC's ) but disconnects are also a problem and have been in A/S for a while - so frustrating I will not even attempt to play. Sure not every disconnect is attributable to WGT, but that is the common denominator, especially when playing with friends.

    This is a great game, yes it should and could be so much better. I would like to see bugs fixed before any development, but I understand the need to keep players interested and the need to generate new income 

    Sadly whoever is coming up with the ideas at WGT recently is either brain dead or they did finally hire monkeys, as these ideas are extremely poorly thought through.

    Even sadder is someone in management actually approved the ideas, showing a severe lack of judgement.

    Then when implemented they only succeed in introducing more bugs by programmers who only succeed in bringing the monkeys reputation into disrepute.

    Finally a very well written and balanced post by Apex and even if they are making "millions" as many have said in the past, all I can say is good on them, they took the initial punt by risking their investment, that could have easily lost them a fortune.

    My problem is with the management and lack of accountability that WGT have, they are losing customers through appalling management.

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:25 AM


    I give up on any post more than 5 lines long with no paragraphs.


    Wellwhataboutapostofonesentencewithnospaces? ;-)

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:33 AM

    Old article (2012), sure the figures are much higher now...

    Page 2 is more interesting

     $1M / Venture
        Oct 1, 2012
       xxxxxxxx Capital
       xxxx Ventures
      xxxxxxxx Ventures
        $10M / Series C
        Mar 17, 2010
       xxxxxxxx Capital
        xxxxxxx Ventures
       xxxx Ventures
        $10M / Series B
        May 1, 2008
        xxxxxxxx Capital

    I wonder what the monthly payment is on 21,000,000 for 20 yrs?

    I found this excerpt from the article interesting!

    Once a course is done and WGT has recouped its costs from the first several thousand players, it makes a healthy marginal profit from each additional player who tees off.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:36 AM



    I give up on any post more than 5 lines long with no paragraphs.


    Wellwhataboutapostofonesentencewithnospaces? ;-)














  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:48 AM

    Alanti, I could not agree more. As I mentioned in another post, I used to have a very good relationship with WGT, but now every attempt to reach them via email has been met with the silence of a stone. Goodwill and courtesy seem to have all but evaporated. It is as though nobody was there or nobody cared. I personally have given up on trying to have a meaningful exchange with them, however reluctantly. 

    Do know that the company Perfect Parallel has issued an early release of its very promising golf simulation Perfect Golf on Steam. I'm actually going to play an online multiplayer game on this platform as soon as I am done with this message. At this stage, I don't believe it can render WGT obsolete, but if I were WGT I would start paying attention to my members and their grievances. The sound of drums is growing strong in the distance, and the sleeping general and his army might have a bitter surprise in store.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:48 AM

    There are bugs and issues at the moment (always have been) but are more severe at the moment. Dazza is partially correct, (RG's not paying out, brackets not running properly, invites to multi player games not being seen & multiple notifications of player activity in the CC's ) but disconnects are also a problem and have been in A/S for a while - so frustrating I will not even attempt to play. Sure not every disconnect is attributable to WGT, but that is the common denominator, especially when playing with friends.

    I never get disconnected from multi player games and i could select 3 players from my friends list for an alt shot game that i know have reliable pc's/internet connection and we would always finish the game. Now if they would only be able to see my game invite :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 11:59 AM

    I never get disconnected from multi player games and i could select 3 players from my friends list for an alt shot game that i know have reliable pc's/internet connection and we would always finish the game.

    I have not had issues in stroke play m/p games, just Alt - I tried one the other night and locked up last hole - this is after 3 friends all got booted or froze at one stage. It only seems to be A/S, other forms seem to function ok.

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 12:07 PM
  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 12:08 PM

    know have reliable pc's/internet connection

    And the reverse is true. I have friends that always get a disconnect and it is always a gamble the match will finish with them.

    I just wonder has WGT thinned out their resources to much by developing/concentrating on the mobile version of the game.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 12:21 PM


    they will also have a board of directors and shareholders no doubt,  

    No BoD and no stockholders, because WGT is not a public corporation.

    If it was their financials would be readily available.

    Like lots of other players I do not spend any of my money to play WGT. I buy balls and clubs with free credits (advertiser money) I have earned.

    Which reminds me, I need to mine some more credits. I'm down to my last 57,659 credits as of today.