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Play for CREDTS Country Club vs Eagle Golf Club Association (report here)

rated by 0 users
Thu, Mar 19 2015 9:54 AM (22 replies)
  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 9:38 AM


        A stand-up group you have....a pleasure competing with such a fine group of guys! Looking forward to the next tournament....thanks to your club for accommodating us. And good luck on the next one!





  • reagan12341
    14 Posts
    Mon, Mar 16 2015 9:49 AM

    i was just looking at your cc and it sounds quite good as i can't do surveys and i can't watch videos and i can't buy them either so i was going to ask if i ask the cc owner in which i am in at the minute if i could swap to your cc for a bit then change back again after say 1 month if doesn't go to well for me.

    is that okay?


  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Thu, Mar 19 2015 9:54 AM


       We host ONLY INTERACTIVE LIVE PLAY Tournaments (over 30 per month)....all with credit purses....However about 1/2 of them are FREE to play.

     “Play for CREDITS Country Club” is the only club on WGT with a REAL CREDITS PURSE! We host ONLY INTERACTIVE (LIVE PLAY) TOURNAMENTS (Over 30 tournaments each month) We use the world clock….so that….players from 15 different countries (with personal tee times) play on THE SAME COURSE….AT THE SAME TIME….WITH HANDICAPS! (We are a 100% interactive club….so (FREE) Skype is a requirement!)…MUST PARTICIPATE WITHIN EACH TWO-MONTH PERIOD…COME JOIN US!

    FREE! (9 holes) Week day Tournaments (Tuesday and Friday)…On Tuesday the winner gets 100 credits for each birdie he ends the tournament with! On Friday the winner gets a pack of balls that is currently in his bag on his/her profile page!

    200 credits entry fee (9 holes) Weekends single-day Tournaments (Saturday and Sunday). The winners gets a credits purse (all credits goes into the purse)

    Credits per skin decided by your group   (9 holes) Saturday night Skin Challenge Tournament… The winners gets his won credits plus 200 Bonus credits for the 1st and 2nd place winners.

    FREE! (4 to 5 rounds) 7 Month-long Match PlayTounaments during the year. The winners gets a credits purse. (purse credits are sponsored by some members)

    400 credits entry fee (36 holes) 9 Yearly two-day weekend Major Tournaments during the year! The winners gets a credits purse….and the Tournament Trophy! (all credits goes into the purse)

    FREE (18 hole semi-weekly) CC vs CC TOURNAMENTS…The winning Club get credits and a tournament trophy


    TO JOIN: Reply to our profile page with your response after watching the video!

    (Only ACTIVE PLAYERS….Pro tier with an 75.00 average and above accepted)

    Owners: Lexmarkz33 (Bill) and Mendocinobud (Billy)
