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Mon, May 11 2015 3:52 AM (22 replies)
  • cashwalker
    3 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 6:00 AM

    How do you stop some of these people on here from harassing you and writing nasty things.  I am 65 yrs old and just try to past the time.  Im not a good player and sometimes get harassed so much I quit.  Then they post that im a quitter.  Is there no way to stop this ?  I just want to have fun. 

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 8:11 AM

    My 2 Pfennig: Block them, forget them!

    Their life is so low that they have to pull other s down, if possible. They aren't worth a second thought.


    Alternatively, write in the chat, "write more of that crap, I need more screenshots as proof for WGT!" (regardless if you paste the screen or send them)

  • Yiannis1970
    3,338 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 9:02 AM


    How do you stop some of these people on here from harassing you and writing nasty things.  I am 65 yrs old and just try to past the time.  Im not a good player and sometimes get harassed so much I quit.  Then they post that im a quitter.  Is there no way to stop this ?  I just want to have fun. 


    Tell them that you 're only playing bad when you meet big time idiots.


  • jayheels
    148 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 9:19 AM


    How do you stop some of these people on here from harassing you and writing nasty things.  I am 65 yrs old and just try to past the time.  Im not a good player and sometimes get harassed so much I quit.  Then they post that im a quitter.  Is there no way to stop this ?  I just want to have fun. 

    Join a country club and play there or only play with friends...I'd be happy to play anytime.

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 9:37 AM
    To stop these people posting nasty things on your profile on 'ACCOUNT' above the 'PLAY NOW' button.
    Then click the 'BLOCK PLAYERS' link in your account and enter the players name you want to block.
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 10:01 AM

    I've found that kicking their ass does a good job at shutting them up.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 10:36 AM


    How do you stop some of these people on here from harassing you and writing nasty things.  I am 65 yrs old and just try to past the time.  Im not a good player and sometimes get harassed so much I quit.  Then they post that im a quitter.  Is there no way to stop this ?  I just want to have fun. 

    I think the only way to stop it must come from them. Education ~ Polish ~ Behavior for polite society ~ Human Kindness toward fellow man.....??? Who knows ?  For the most part, the players here are above crude, low life mentality. ;-}

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 10:36 AM

    it does suck that people are azzholes . ignore them play your game and dont quit . a good friends list will help ... 

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 11:03 AM


    How do you stop some of these people on here from harassing you and writing nasty things.  I am 65 yrs old and just try to past the time.  Im not a good player and sometimes get harassed so much I quit.  Then they post that im a quitter.  Is there no way to stop this ?  I just want to have fun. 

    try stop quitting then they cant say that :)

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 11:27 AM



    How do you stop some of these people on here from harassing you and writing nasty things.  I am 65 yrs old and just try to past the time.  Im not a good player and sometimes get harassed so much I quit.  Then they post that im a quitter.  Is there no way to stop this ?  I just want to have fun. 


    I think the only way to stop it must come from them. Education ~ Polish ~ Behavior for polite society ~ Human Kindness toward fellow man