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Ongoing Invite Issues "We need Answers" !!!

Sat, Mar 14 2015 2:17 PM (42 replies)
  • farmermsu
    721 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 10:53 AM

        I am posting this, in an effort to get some communication from WGT concerning the current invite issues. We need something done to correct this situation.

       I have been a consistant member of WGT since 2011. I am also the owner of a Country Club. My members are in an outrage! They belong to the CC so they can play with the people they enjoy spending time with. I was recently told that some of our members were in "Blue or Green" status for hours and not able to send or recieve invites successfully. At the same time....  the same people that they were inviting, were sendng them messages and posting on their walls. I have experienced the same issues with others that I play with daily.

       It has now reached the point that a boycott of any spending of money on WGT has been suggested, and is being structured within my CC. All of my members are daily players and participate, play in, and pay for all, of the WGT options and opportunities. We are finding these issues unacceptable and frustrating.

      I understand the complexity of maintaining and improving on such a great online game. I understand that issues arise from your efforts to continuously improve for us. All I can say is that when something arises that effects daily play...  it needs to be fixed!  I have seen the Forums and the conversations during play, dominated with invite talk. Yet, very little feedback or communicaton has been returned???

       I hope that a simple correction can be implemented before my members,and others, have reached the point that they stop playing or go else where for their entertainment $.

       FARMERMSU   Tour Legend Level 101    Spartan Nation CC

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 11:13 AM

    Youre very polite with this guys who dont care of yourself and friends.

    Level service reach to 0 and these guys are so stupid to thinck that the first thing to do business on internet is connexion.


    Sorry guys my connexion goes very well, it's you the suckers.

  • tigersnotgolden
    179 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 11:25 AM

    I have begun to wonder, is WGT so interested in finding new revenues streams that they don't have the time or the will to fix problems with the existing game?

    Though the Invite problem is the most critical, there are other problems that need addressing as well.  I have followed the forums regarding the issues and can only surmise that the concerns of WGT members, especially those who spend quite a bit of money are secondary.

    Since ADMIN of this site doesn't seem to be able to fix things,  I have sent the following email via the corporate Website WGT media.

    "The frustration is mounting among WGT golf members.  Issues that have arisen, which impede not just the enjoyment but actual playing of the game are not being tended to in an expedient manner.  Many members are talking about either leaving the site completely or at a minimum no longer spending any money on the site.  It's shame.  Hopefully you can address the issues and return this site to it's former glory."

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 11:46 AM

    For the record: I like the game, I take it that way, though less intense than before.

    I am posting this, in an effort to get some communication from WGT concerning the current invite issues. We need something done to correct this situation.

    That's two wishes.

    1) I consider them the Hold-your-Tongue tribe of Bay Area - they won't tell us anything but apologies and "we are looking into the matter" or the like.

    2) They will do whatever they think necessary. Zero or more? We have no influence nor insight in the issue.

    Conclusion: The game is as-is. They are WGT, hope is futile.

    Don't expect a change, BE the change.

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 11:50 AM

    When we spend about one hour just for link an alternate game, there's a problem than admins cant ignore.


    Although it seems to be the case

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 12:34 PM


    Conclusion: The game is as-is. They are WGT, hope is futile.

    Don't expect a change, BE the change.

    I have to disagree...or maybe not "disagree", but opine that any company with that sort of attitude towards its customers needs a serious refresher course in Customer Relations 101.

    It is obvious the problem with invites to games is huge, and is affecting A LOT of WGT's customers. After fruitlessly trying to set up games with friends whose status is blue or green, a lot of players just give up and don't play. Which results in loss of revenue for WGT. If WGT's number one priority is making money (and why not?), if they simply ignore the problem they are having with invites, how exactly is that benefitting anyone?

    And if the reply is "Well they don't care about their long term customers, they just want new ones" (as I have seen posted a few times), then that makes no sense either. How long are these new customers going to stick around if the first time they try to invite their new friends they can't manage to do it? BYE BYE!

    I don't understand how "Don't expect a change, be a change" applies at all to this thread. How are we supposed to "change" a broken down invitation system???

  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 1:18 PM
    our feelings precisely


    WGT is working on resolving the invite issue. While I don't have a status update I can say that they are looking to rectify this ongoing problem for the players. I apologize for the inconvenience.




    To date WGT have lost from my club to the parallel universe 3 members and they have also lost completely another 4 from WGT altogether due to not being able to sort the glitches out. Another 10 members are only playing the bare minimum within my club and have gone down to the starter pebbles as they refuse to give any more credits too WGT. I dare say that other CC within WGT are having the same problem. As has been stated before within these forums ad nauseam give up chasing the $$$$ for a couple of days and trying to do live updates ,  shut down roll back to when it worked and take it from there otherwise even more mass defections will occur. Over 3 months to rectify a problem really is taking the piss

  • cousinzeke1
    31 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 1:24 PM

    I have tried all day to play tourney's in the country club....can't sent or receive invites....I know you are aware of this problem but what I don't understand is what wgt is doing to fix the problem if anything....It is so sad that you have no communication with you members and you act like you have no reason to communicate with us. I have spent a great deal of money on this sit and I know many others who have also and I dont believe you realize that alot of people are sick to death of you none caring attitude. Now hire someone who know how to fix the problems and for goodness sake let people know that you are at least trying to fix the problems


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 1:26 PM


    we are still working on the issue but until I hear anything else, that's the latest news I can report.

    i am sorry for the inconvenience
