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Ongoing Invite Issues "We need Answers" !!!

Sat, Mar 14 2015 2:17 PM (42 replies)
  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 2:12 PM



    we are still working on the issue but until I hear anything else, that's the latest news I can report.

    i am sorry for the inconvenience


    WGTicon thanks for the post. It's not good news but at least it is an answer. If the problem with inviting players is still being worked on, well at least we know the problem is not being ignored, and that's something at least. Please keep us posted...thanks!


  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 2:41 PM

    opine that any company with that sort of attitude towards its customers needs a serious refresher course in Customer Relations 101.

    Possible but not in our hands. Their company, their policies, their decisions.

    I don't understand how "Don't expect a change, be a change" applies at all to this thread. How are we supposed to "change" a broken down invitation system???

    Question is, change what?

    I proposed, "BE the change", and you name it for those who aren't content:

    a lot of players just give up and don't play.

    BYE BYE!

    Your decision.

  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 2:54 PM


    we are still working on the issue but until I hear anything else, that's the latest news I can report.

    i am sorry for the inconvenience

    So just how long does it take to fix im guessing along time since your techs are idiots. and you say sorry for the inconvenience,  " excuses are for ***'s everyone has one"

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 3:10 PM


    opine that any company with that sort of attitude towards its customers needs a serious refresher course in Customer Relations 101.

    Possible but not in our hands. Their company, their policies, their decisions.

    I don't understand how "Don't expect a change, be a change" applies at all to this thread. How are we supposed to "change" a broken down invitation system???

    Question is, change what?

    I proposed, "BE the change", and you name it for those who aren't content:

    a lot of players just give up and don't play.

    BYE BYE!

    Your decision.

    Love the way you pick and choose small bits of what I said, making it seem like I said something I did not. Like the "BYE BYE" part...I said that in reference to NEW players leaving because of site problems. I am not a new player, and I am not the one saying "bye bye" at all.

    The little crossing out of my words was a cute touch too. I don't understand much of your reply at all. Whatever. How bout explaining what you mean by "Don't expect a change, be a change" as it applies to the seriously screwed up invite system - which they ARE working on, at least based on what WGTicon has said.


  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 3:13 PM

    As a CC owner, I too am having to deal with countless complaints about the invite issue. My guys and gals obviously like the game, but my Online comps organiser is pulling his hair out trying to arrange things, getting flack from both sides of games "my oppo is sat green but won't accept invite" etc, etc.

    We're getting to the stage where all our in club online leagues will have to be suspended. So, less games played, less balls used etc, etc. I know it won't make a dent, but boy am I hoping Perfect Golf delivers it's hope to implement CC in their game.

    Not a threat, I would love to have a dual CC club! just wanting my club to be able to run it's events in a calm manner, which it is not at present.

    Regular news of any progress with the situation would be welcome.


  • brimag1
    619 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 3:23 PM

    As a CC owner myself i hear what you are saying my friend this is getting out of hand members are saying they are leaving WGT because no games are getting played all tournaments in club have been canceled because no one can receive invites from other members.

    Like you say no games played no balls used no $$$ spent .

    We had to cancel a CC V CC tournament because of this which is very frustrating  on all members of WGT.


  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 3:39 PM

    Have you been inviting people to play and they don't respond?

    Have you been asked why you didn't respond to an invite?

    YES, its the all-new WGT frustration special - designed to add an extra layer of indignity to your on-line golfing experience!

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 3:48 PM

    The little crossing out of my words was a cute touch too. I don't understand much of your reply at all. Whatever. How bout explaining what you mean by "Don't expect a change, be a change" as it applies to the seriously screwed up invite system

    Of course, none of us is able to influence the invite problems. My experience shows that no pleas, no demands, no cries, no threats help here, in any matter.

    With the strikethrough, I tried to show where your words would not follow my thought. It's not about this faulty part but about a more general subject, self-determination.

    You expect repairs - which are changes - whereas I say, don't wait for them but change things from your side.

    Those who don't stand the situation should follow what I quoted from your post.

    BTW: "Be the change" is a Mahatma Gandhi quote.

  • greg466
    2,159 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 5:52 PM

    Anyone having problems with Comodo Dragon tonight?

  • bradbrud
    143 Posts
    Sun, Mar 8 2015 5:57 PM

    I am posting this, in an effort to get some communication from WGT concerning the current invite issues. We need something done to correct this situation.

    good luck