"One of my professors noted to our class that, "we are too smart for philosophy, not smart enough for physics, thus we are 'Pure Math' majors"...
She was joking of course, it's not that I'm 'not' smart enough... I'm just too pretty for physics... lol (ahem... sorry, 'a tickle in my throat... cough, sniff)"
Okay, so I know I'm not too pretty, yet... because I do have mass (not a lot of mass, I'll thank-you very much); every other object (m2) in the universe is attracted to me (m1) with a force (Fg) along the line of our centers that is proportional to the square of the separation between us (r2).
That's enuff physics... it's back to 'Fourier Transforms' and the more complicated 'WGT' for me..."