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What WGT doesn't want us to know

Sun, Sep 16 2012 7:02 PM (71 replies)
  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 5:23 AM


    Jake, you could mail-in your entree since day one. How do I know? I used to mail those in since day one. Same for others I know.


    I'm very well aware of that Icon.  I used to do the same but decided it was only fair to pay for these rounds.  In light of all the recent glitches coming at us with greater frequency and severity, needless to say my stance has changed.

    Also, I was asked some time ago not to share this information publicly by a WGT staff member.



    Jake... if I EVER found myself with such a stellar round in jeopardy... wow... why didn't you just save it on 10 in the rough, and finish it after flushing yer puter's caches, rebooting, or something like that? Couldn't that be done in your case? I know that's not the point, but yeeeesh! I'm truly feelin yer pain!    :/

    There was clearly something interfering with the stability of the graphics/physics of the game, and as one who's experienced such... that would've been the direction I'd have taken. OUT!... knowing it doesn't suddenly "clear-up" on it's own...



    Actually, it does suddenly clear up on it's own for me.  Also after clearing cache, I have to play several rounds before meter gets stable again so it would have done me no good.  I did reboot after hole 12 but obviously did no good.


    I feel your pain hun. Had some very similar rounds of late also. VEM machine or something similar is working against you, whether you ding or not, I'm sure of it. Stuff being free has always been in the rules though, that is until recently.

    I'm sure these guys are working hard on other courses, but there's serious issues that need attention. Some are just easily fixed until they figure out what going on, kia #17 drop area for example.

    It's almost like they have noone doing bug fixes. They should have minimum a few people working on this every week. I see maintenance updates come and go, and still things stay the same. It's getting to the point that it's going to be hard for me to stay around once I get to where I'm going.

    Agreed on all points Viz.  The drop on Kia 17 in the sand is the dumbest thing I've ever seen here.  They ask us to submit bug reports.  I've submitted at least 6 on that particular issue in the last 2 months yet nothing has been done.  Same for the invisible trees on the right side of BPB 7.

    Gotta love a Beta program that gets worse with every update instead of better.

    As you may already know, i have to disagree with you here. I've never had more deviations neither more meter freezes when i'm scoring low under par than at the beggining of a round. Never seen anything weird in this way.


    I think you're confusing my message with those of others.  I don't believe there is anything special that happens to make the game harder when you are scoring low.  I just don't understand how the meter can be perfect for 9 holes and I ding 27 of 28 shots, then have it turn to trash for the next nine.  Nothing changed on my computer so what gives?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 5:28 AM

    How come the absolute best players on this site let Jake do all the complaining? Or could it be they maybe know what they're up against and just deal with it?

    I'm sorry jake, buddy, I have zero compassion for your plight. Your stats are nuts and don't fit with your incessant complaining about the meter. You are obviously dealing with it quite nicely and I thought you might have gotten past it lately as there were several posts from you that didn't even mention the meter. I guess not.

    What kind of scores can you personally imagine if your meter was dead nuts right on every time? 40 what? You're a star, be happy with that. 

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 6:23 AM

    I'm sorry jake, buddy, I have zero compassion for your plight. Your stats are nuts and don't fit with your incessant complaining about the meter. You are obviously dealing with it quite nicely and I thought you might have gotten past it lately as there were several posts from you that didn't even mention the meter. I guess not.

    YJ, you're a carpenter right?  So if you're compound miter saw makes perfect cuts 7 out of 10 times but the other 3 randomly decide to cut at a 85 degree angle instead of square do you just accept it, throw away the costly piece of wood and say "hey that's just the way this saw is sometimes."  Then you buy a new saw that cuts right 9 of 10 times and you say "hey I think I can deal with this."  Suddenly Hitachi sends you an update with a much sharper blade which sounds great but now cuts at a 85 degree angle 6 of 10 times.  No worries, you're painting this job so you caulk the hell out of the gaps but know damn well it's not the work you're capable of producing.

    Along those lines, I experienced the same thing with the new computer I bought last year.  Was good enough to appease for a while but now back to ground zero.  Couple that with an alarming increase in the severity and frequency of deviations and you have the perfect recipe for a very frustrated individual.  Trouble is it's not just me.  Countless others are reporting the very same thing over the last month and WGT sits silently or even contends that there aren't any problems with playability.

    I'm not alone on the meter thing as you well know.  The number of complaints grows exponentially with every passing day and the last month has been a bad joke.

    Yes you see some nice scores from me, but if you look behind the curtain you'll also see an insane number of withdraws.  I deal with it quite well in regards to scoring as you allude to.  One freeze or spike on a hole usually spells par for me, where for most others it's more punitive.  Two on the same hole usually trends toward double bogey and a WD.  I've entered 3085 tournaments and had to WD from about 800 of those as best I can tell.  26% is just a bit too high for my liking.

    Everyone's wired differently, so while others might sit silently, I for one can't.  I'm a fighter by nature and when I see something that fked up I can't resist taking a couple swings.  I certainly don't need your compassion, but some understanding isn't too much to ask.  Would you jump for joy with a 31 when you knew damn well it should have been a 28 if your meter was smooth? 

    This game has unlimited potential and I truly want it to thrive.  I'm addicted to no end but wish WGT would address issues and fix bugs with more urgency than they currently do.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 7:12 AM

    Everyone's wired differently, so while others might sit silently, I for one can't.  I'm a fighter by nature and when I see something that fked up I can't resist taking a couple swings

    I agree, I just gave up swinging at pitches off the plate. :-)

    I get the analogy but I happen to be in control of the machines I own and use and I am the one responsible for their collective accuracy. We are not in control of those machines here and have to deal with the option of taking it or leaving it.

    I am probably more frustrated than you at the inconsistencies simply because I am not in control of the factors. I need to be exact in my work and the end result has to stand up to scrutiny. I can't afford to be lax so everything's tuned and working. I can spot 1/16th runout by eye and if it's not right I don't use caulk (did not think you were insinuating I did.) The point is when you're "wired" for accuracy and get less than that it gets frustrating.

    This game has a factor that none of us know how it works for sure-the VEM. You can do your best and still be relegated to wherever WGT thinks you should be. Case in point, my average changes if I shoot a 32 or less. Anything else it stays the same. No problem, that's fair. What isn't fair is when I get to 3 under on a round stuff changes!! Sometimes it's like I never played the game before, it gets so ridiculous and I'm not talking about a balky meter, although that could be a vehicle WGT uses to control this "stuff"  (conspiracy theory.) I'm talking about the cups getting tighter, the wind affecting shots more and WTF moments start cropping up. Start a round -4 through 4 and fight your way to -2, that kind of crap. I can just about call it. -7 through 15 at Kia in last month's Open. At the 17th tee I laughed to myself and said "Here it comes-the adjustment." Sure enough, a previously good meter decides it's time for me to visit Mr. StopDead-ball OB (not even wet!!) The end result-my average on the round exactly-a round I thought would be -8 or -9. Oh well.  :-(

    We've been here about the same length of time and has anything changed with the meter? Nope. I doubt it will, either. There are higher forces at work here and it's not worth getting frustrated if you can't control them. 


    *edit-Went from posting this to TDHarvey's comment here. Coincidence or fact?

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 7:29 AM

    Jake, i'm with you 100%, i've had many a -7  for front nine in a 18 hole ready go,with a perfect meter, only for it to have taken an "e" or something for the back 9 because it became so shaky it was unreal (considering it was perfect only a few mins before) and to top it off only for every shot (Deviation)in back 9 to either overshoot, no wind effect, putts fly left when no break  ruining  a perfect round, and i wasn't doing anything different to before, and also the opposite can happen deviation wise because i've had many a time when i slice drives knowing they'll fly either oob or into the bunkers say on st ands #12, only to give me a perfect drive better than if i tried!, and putts that are going wide get sucked into the hole as if theres a massive magnet in there and on your ball, and also sliced shots that should be far from pin landing close, making me feel that although i was playing cr@p everyshot pays off .

    I've postet countless threads about this, but all i get is people or person! saying i'm "PARANOID"..I'm glad its not me who is experiencing this.  Deviation can work either way i've found, you can bum a shot but still come close to pin somehow. But isn't this why we keep playing, because no 2 rounds are the same?

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 7:44 AM

    Was playing rd 1 of WGA this week on Oakmont, and good shots that normally would be in the zip code of where I would expect them with all deviations, were no longer in the same state.  Definitely something going on.  I mean I was hitting accurate rated wedges 30ft from pin, no wind assistance to speak of.  It was very odd.

  • Angeltotti20
    296 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 7:47 AM

    Lol, who's back for more? The guy who plays STA 18 RG only. Paranoia!

    You should start practicing BP, which is where the first round of WMPC will be played... You're paired with Woodsy747.

    Jake: I understand you, i also have to WD from many tournaments due to meter spikes which cause lost balls which cause bogeys or worse. VEM has always been there and we have always been able to deal with it. People like Chris who think WGT is pursuing them so they can't shoot low scores is what i can't tolerate.

  • aussieguyadam
    602 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 8:20 AM

    how come my antispyware program says is spyware,a tracking cookie thats what i want 2 know...

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 8:21 AM

    I call that the FF.


    Flash Fail.


    Hopefully HTML5 really kicks off and leaves Flash in the dustbin of technology history.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 8:22 AM


    I'm very well aware of that Icon.  I used to do the same but decided it was only fair to pay for these rounds.  In light of all the recent glitches coming at us with greater frequency and severity, needless to say my stance has changed.

    Also, I was asked some time ago not to share this information publicly by a WGT staff member.

     Agreed on all points Viz.  The drop on Kia 17 in the sand is the dumbest thing I've ever seen here.  They ask us to submit bug reports.  I've submitted at least 6 on that particular issue in the last 2 months yet nothing has been done.  Same for the invisible trees on the right side of BPB 7.

    I am sorry Jake but I have to call you out on this

    Read here. This is never a secret. I do not believe anyone (who works for WGT) ever told you not to advertise this or keep it a secret.

    If you look at that thread, where we discuss that issue at length, you would see my statements on the issue. Fact is, it's not as simple as you make it sound - just move back outta sand... Doing so would not fix the underlying issue but just do a hotfix, which is not the way.
