YankeeJim:I'm sorry jake, buddy, I have zero compassion for your plight. Your stats are nuts and don't fit with your incessant complaining about the meter. You are obviously dealing with it quite nicely and I thought you might have gotten past it lately as there were several posts from you that didn't even mention the meter. I guess not.
YJ, you're a carpenter right? So if you're compound miter saw makes perfect cuts 7 out of 10 times but the other 3 randomly decide to cut at a 85 degree angle instead of square do you just accept it, throw away the costly piece of wood and say "hey that's just the way this saw is sometimes." Then you buy a new saw that cuts right 9 of 10 times and you say "hey I think I can deal with this." Suddenly Hitachi sends you an update with a much sharper blade which sounds great but now cuts at a 85 degree angle 6 of 10 times. No worries, you're painting this job so you caulk the hell out of the gaps but know damn well it's not the work you're capable of producing.
Along those lines, I experienced the same thing with the new computer I bought last year. Was good enough to appease for a while but now back to ground zero. Couple that with an alarming increase in the severity and frequency of deviations and you have the perfect recipe for a very frustrated individual. Trouble is it's not just me. Countless others are reporting the very same thing over the last month and WGT sits silently or even contends that there aren't any problems with playability.
I'm not alone on the meter thing as you well know. The number of complaints grows exponentially with every passing day and the last month has been a bad joke.
Yes you see some nice scores from me, but if you look behind the curtain you'll also see an insane number of withdraws. I deal with it quite well in regards to scoring as you allude to. One freeze or spike on a hole usually spells par for me, where for most others it's more punitive. Two on the same hole usually trends toward double bogey and a WD. I've entered 3085 tournaments and had to WD from about 800 of those as best I can tell. 26% is just a bit too high for my liking.
Everyone's wired differently, so while others might sit silently, I for one can't. I'm a fighter by nature and when I see something that fked up I can't resist taking a couple swings. I certainly don't need your compassion, but some understanding isn't too much to ask. Would you jump for joy with a 31 when you knew damn well it should have been a 28 if your meter was smooth?
This game has unlimited potential and I truly want it to thrive. I'm addicted to no end but wish WGT would address issues and fix bugs with more urgency than they currently do.