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What WGT doesn't want us to know

Sun, Sep 16 2012 7:02 PM (71 replies)
  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 9:21 PM

    I've been silent on this for a long time, but after playing one of the more frustrating rounds of my tenure here I feel compelled to share, but first let me explain why I'm so pissed.

    .....December Monthly Legend Tier Open on BPB with high winds.  I play an impeccable front nine -7 with one of the hardest wind sets I've ever had on this course.  How you ask?  The meter was PERFECT on only one deviation but made a 35 footer on 9 to make up for it.  Here's where it gets fun.

    #10  Ding drive with a 20 sidewind @ 9 oclock.  Aimed on edge of right rough.  Ball flies dead right in the right rough against a 20 wind.  OK, I can deal with it.  Punch out and get up and down from 91.

    #11  20 headwind.  Ding drive no problems.  Knock approach to 9 feet and birdie.  -8 and feeling great.

    #12 19 headwind and all hell breaks loose.  Meter freeze lost ball.  Re tee scramble like hell and chip in for a bogey.  -7

    #13 18 wind @ 8:30 so slightly against.  Aim in right rough to be sure I don't go in left trap.  Ding drive and guess what....ball jumps dead left off club into left rough.  Punch out to 113.  Ding 115 club full back spin and ball flies 123, that's right 123.  Lip out putt for par.  No problems still -7 with plenty of golf left.

    #14 21 wind dead at me.  Don't move aim off pin.  Ding approach 170 and ball goes dead left again 45 feet left of pin.  No chance and make par.  -7 but starting to get frustrated.

    #15.  Finally my first tailwind of the round.  18mph @11.  Click mouse and meter pauses on "ding" right where I clicked it then slides about 15 pixels right and decides to engage.  Right rough 40 50 lie.  No sweat I can get this up and down.  Go to hit my punch and meter freezes badly leaving me in left 40 50 rough.  Punch out up and down bogey.  -6.  Getting a bit hot under the collar now.

    #16 14 wind @ 3.  Held off 3 swings on drive because last second meter blips.  Ding drive and middle of fairway leaving 192 into pin.  Decide to play a little long.  Ding 198 full backspin accounting for sidewind taking distance off shot.  Ball flies 162 in the air and comes up well short of green.  Have had this shot countless times and dinger usually leaves a 15 foot putt from above the hole that I know very well.  Pitch to 6 feet behind hole.  Green shows break right to left.  Ding putt and ball actually goes right.  Bogey -5.

    #17 21mph at 12 oclock.  194 to pin.  Ding 190 full and ball flies about 175 into front of trap.  Knock it out of trap but hit the collar and skid about 20 feet past pin.  Lip out bogey -4.

    #18 18 wind dead at me.  Meter freezes badly into left rough 40 50 lie.  Punch out to 75 yards.  Ding 85 club with no spin to a severe uphill lie into 18 wind.  Figure I would be about 2 yards short of hole....wrong.  Ball flies 85 and rolls to 87 yds leaving a 36 foot downhill slider.  Lip out and withdraw because I'm so pissed.  -3 ain't gonna win $hit in this contest.

    What's the point of dinging shots if they don't end up within an area code of where they should.  Bad enough fighting the meter, but couple that with ridiculous deviations and you can understand why people complain that SOMETHING JUST AIN'T RIGHT HERE.

    Long story to get to my point but had to paint the picture.  I'm not going to make any friends at WGT with this post but quite frankly I could care less.  Their silence on these topics has me fighting mad so it's time to take back.

    What WGT doesn't want us to know is you don't have to pay a DIME to play the premium tournaments.  Read the tournament rules and it's explained quite clearly.  All you have to do is send a 3x5 index card with the following information and you're entered for free.  That's right FREE!  The rules aren't posting correctly right now but here's all you have to do.

    You may also enter by registering a free World Golf Tour account at (if you have not already), and sending a 3"x5" card with the following information hand-written on it: The name of the tournament. [insert relevant Month (e.g. March),your name, address, your user name, email address, and date of birth, to: World Golf Tour, Inc., The name of the tournament. [insert relevant Month (e.g. March)], 180 Sansome Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104. Mail-in entries must be hand-written. Computer generated, typewritten, and other electronically or mechanically reproduced mail-in entries are not acceptable. Mail-in entries that do not conform with the requirements herein will not be acknowledged and Sponsor will disregard such entry requests and any such entry requests will not be eligible to enter or win. No other methods of entry will be accepted.

    I vow I'll pay to play these once again once WGT addresses these issues, and I hope you will too, but for now not a chance.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 10:16 PM

    Jake, you could mail-in your entree since day one. How do I know? I used to mail those in since day one. Same for others I know.


  • hoochlah
    81 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 10:26 PM

    cool - i never have enough creds to play these premium tournies - maybe ill start mailing n playinh a few from now. cheers guys.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Wed, Dec 1 2010 10:38 PM

    I'm guessing it was the rest of the post that Jake was looking to have addressed, not the mail-in entry.

    I've been called a whiner and told to go practice more for posting many of the same types of posts; hopefully Jake's 'airing out' is met with a warmer welcome and more open dialogue.

    USGA qualifier I had a very similar experience, and posted the cards to show an eerily similar behavior. Haven't quite put my thumb on it just yet, but it is almost as if there is also a 'score deviation' built into the round - one that is pre-determined. Stay within that window, and it seems like nothing happens. Get too far under par, and VEM and meter issues seem to kick in to high gear. And I'll be honest enuf to say it works the other way, too; get too far over, and the VEM goes in reverse thrust mode, and even poor shots seem to end up close to the hole, and putts start dropping from all distances.

    Many many players have commented on how easy it is to tell how the entire round is gonna go after the first several shots. I'm hopeful this is pre-determined, but you would have a very difficult time convincing me otherwise right now.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 12:09 AM

    I hate "mail-in rebates" because of the necessity to gather things up, fill things out, and mail them in... and then wait... and wait some more... so... although this seems like it may be great for others, I doubt I'd ever take advantage of this WGT offer... seems like it would be a similar PITA.

    Jake... if I EVER found myself with such a stellar round in jeopardy... wow... why didn't you just save it on 10 in the rough, and finish it after flushing yer puter's caches, rebooting, or something like that? Couldn't that be done in your case? I know that's not the point, but yeeeesh! I'm truly feelin yer pain!    :/

    There was clearly something interfering with the stability of the graphics/physics of the game, and as one who's experienced such... that would've been the direction I'd have taken. OUT!... knowing it doesn't suddenly "clear-up" on it's own...



  • aussieguyadam
    602 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 4:15 AM

    meter glitches, shots varying, load times have all been getting worse this last month.And i also noticed flash player was using more now for the game,  i think if wgt could address that these are real issues and show a plan they have in place to fix these issues there would be alot more happy consumers.

  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 4:47 AM

    I feel your pain hun. Had some very similar rounds of late also. VEM machine or something similar is working against you, whether you ding or not, I'm sure of it. Stuff being free has always been in the rules though, that is until recently.

    I'm sure these guys are working hard on other courses, but there's serious issues that need attention. Some are just easily fixed until they figure out what going on, kia #17 drop area for example.

    It's almost like they have noone doing bug fixes. They should have minimum a few people working on this every week. I see maintenance updates come and go, and still things stay the same. It's getting to the point that it's going to be hard for me to stay around once I get to where I'm going.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 4:51 AM


     Haven't quite put my thumb on it just yet, but it is almost as if there is also a 'score deviation' built into the round - one that is pre-determined. Stay within that window, and it seems like nothing happens. Get too far under par, and VEM and meter issues seem to kick in to high gear. And I'll be honest enuf to say it works the other way, too; get too far over, and the VEM goes in reverse thrust mode, and even poor shots seem to end up close to the hole, and putts start dropping from all distances.

    Many many players have commented on how easy it is to tell how the entire round is gonna go after the first several shots. I'm hopeful this is pre-determined, but you would have a very difficult time convincing me otherwise right now.

    i'm glad to read this, i've thought this from when i first joined here.

    not got as much experience on here as you guys, but i refer to it as 'loading the bull*hit'.  those times when you hit a 77 wedge into a 15 mph wind and it goes 80 to an elevated lie, those putts that never turn as much as the last, the side wind issues, the list goes on.

    you click the a pixel off the line and the game seems to have a little pause, like it's deciding how to f**k you up when you've only just missed the perfect. but then you miss by 2mm and it somehow does the un-expected and ends up close.

    and yep, the bull*hit always seems to crop up on the good rounds

  • Angeltotti20
    296 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 4:52 AM

    Hi jake.... I think you should be practicing BP back 9 instead of being here complaining.

    Sorry, i had to do it ;) just kidding.

    As you may already know, i have to disagree with you here. I've never had more deviations neither more meter freezes when i'm scoring low under par than at the beggining of a round. Never seen anything weird in this way.

    Just luck, maybe?

  • andrewp7
    127 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2010 5:14 AM

    ...maybe it is part of them making it more real life i.e just cos I aim somewhere does not mean it will go there (albeit that is due to my swing) ...joking aside I have to agree the deviations are getting worse even with my kmart irons....either that or they have introduced invisible divots that my ball keeps landing in