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Sat, Apr 4 2015 8:51 AM (37 replies)
  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 7:09 AM


    I really don't get it. At the moment there is 13 TL RG's and 7 UE RG's on the RG list.

    Fair enough with the UE RG's but 13 TL RG's. Come on WGT nobody plays them!!

    And where did the 1.000 cr. RG's go?

    I really think it is a strange RG list....


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 1:17 PM

    Agree with you here Peter. No need to have any TL only RG's. Some are still on there from 2 months ago.

    There's now also 13 UEL RG's.

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 2:25 PM

    Hi DAZZA

    I was just go to write about the 13 UEL RG's.    

    Sorry, but I am just not in for that kind of lottery.

    So now the magic number is 26 RG's for me not to enter.   Great!


  • Buckthebuck
    572 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 12:37 AM

    Yes once again WGT reverting back to a very underwhelming list, one thing they have done is added lots more uneven and tour legend as stated above and also 50 cr 18 holes rg's lol.

    Please WGT make it a standard part of the list that a 1000 CR Rg is included as well as 3 or 4 500 CR rg's, then you can also add your typical 300,200,100,50. 


    Too much of the list is wasted on tour legend rg's. These have been on there so long and if you are at all interested in consistency when you say 1000 cr rg's take too long to fill up even though it typically takes 1-3 days depending on course, TL rg's are taking between 6-8 weeks lol.


    Please Add

    1000 Cr St andy's

    1000 Cr Cabo

    500 Cr Best of famous Front

    500 Cr Andy's Back

    500 Cr Bethpage Back

    500 Cr Kia Front

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 3:02 AM


    we're working on reworking these. please stay tuned and thanks for the ideas as well!


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 5:07 AM


    I was just go to write about the 13 UEL RG's.    

    Sorry, but I am just not in for that kind of lottery.

    There are 7 UEL ready-go's and there is a significant number of people that enjoy this format, do you really think that's too many?

    If they are a "lottery" it seems they are a fixed one as the same people are often to the fore in them.  A bit like the even lies really, where you do well and more skill is presumably(?) required.

    It could be argued that playing the same shots, however well, for years needs less skill (good notes/memory and great timing probably the most necessary requirements) than having some imagination and working out how the slope will affect your shot.   I wonder which is more like real golf?

    So now the magic number is 26 RG's for me not to enter.   Great!

    13 and 7 = 20 so I'm guessing the low credit ones make up the 26, these are the most popular.

    I do agree that the TL ones don't fill, the reason I don't enter is there is very little or no chance of me making the top 15 in them.  I suspect this is the case for the majority of TL's.  As the number of TL's continues to expand so does the gulf in ability within that tier, until wgt introduce a new tier I think you're right that there is no need for as many (maybe even for any) TL ready-go's.

    I look forward to the next thread you start, or turn, to this.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 8:10 AM



    we're working on reworking these. please stay tuned and thanks for the ideas as well!


    I dot keep track of the UEL RGs.  No complaints from people that play the format says plenty of them, and fair enough for those that happen to like that stuff.

    TL RGs what on earth is the point though?  WGT never has said why they even still bother.  I can only think they are there to stop the system being overloaded as they are guaranteed slow sloth speed turnover.

    Nothing is new here, just near same old every month almost.  

    Sorry mate but without time frames same old concerns and same old answer.............

  • aichapman
    1,431 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 9:01 AM

    From ALL the above points, there is a definite and unmistakable point.

    The LESS  T/L specific RG's

    The MORE ROOM  there is to add RG's that keep every one happy.

    U/L's, High, Medium and the Low Stakes games. ALL of which TURNOVER regularly.   ( Some faster than others, but turning over just the same )

    It's not Rocket Science :-0)

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that NO MORE  T/L specific games are rebooted once completed to leave room for more popular RG's

    Regards from Al.



  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 9:01 AM

    I'm about to take up a whole page copying from another thread, but the amount of work it must have taking surely means it deserves at least two airings.

    Not to decry a tremendous effort by wheresubin at all; I think the cost of the RG's would be important too, with the cheaper one's certain to be filling quicker.  

    The difference between those that are/are not UEL doesn't look massive.  There seems to be confirmation of what we all knew; the TL ones don't fill at all well with the quickest (Cabo and St Andrews)  coming in the 3-7 day bracket and the others taking between 8 and 40 days to fill.

    527 Posts
    03-22-2015 4:23 AM

    Here's my RG experience for Tournament durations:

    1 Day Tournaments:
    Bandon F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 3 B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 3 F9 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 4 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 5 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 5 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 5 Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Black 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Front 9 Ready go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Del Sol 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo del Sol Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Del Sol Ready Go B9 Ready-Go Tournament 
    Congressional Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Congressional Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Kiawah Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Kiawah F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Merion 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Merion Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Oakmont Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Oakmont F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic Club Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic Club Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Pinehurst No. 2 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Pinehurst No. 2 Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Royal St Georges Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Royal St Georges Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Royal St. George 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St Andrews Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St Andrews Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St. Andrews B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St. Andrews F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies BOP5 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Cabo Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Congressional Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Kiawah Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Merion Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Oakmont Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Olympic Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Olympic Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Pinehurst No. 2 Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St Andrews Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St Andrews Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St. Andrews B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Whistler Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Whistler Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Whistler Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    2 Day Tournaments:
    Best of Par 3 B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 3 F9 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 4 F9 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 5 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Black 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Del Sol 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Del Sol Ready Go B9 Ready-Go Tournament 
    Kiawah F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Merion 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Oakmont F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Royal St. George 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St. Andrews B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St. Andrews F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies BOP5 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies BOP5 F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Kiawah Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Oakmont Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Olympic Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Pinehurst B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St Andrews Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St. Andrews B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    3-7 day Tournaments:
    Best of Hardest 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Best of Par 4 Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Black 18 Hole Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Bethpage Front 9 Ready go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Cabo Del Sol Ready Go B9 Ready-Go Tournament 
    Congressional Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Oakmont Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Oakmont F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic Club Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Olympic Club Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Pinehurst No. 2 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Pinehurst No. 2 Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Royal St Georges Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Royal St Georges Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    St Andrews Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Cabo Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Cabo Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend St Andrews Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend St Andrews Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Best of Famous Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Best of Famous Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Best of Par 4 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Best of Par 4 Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies BOP5 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies BOP5 F9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Congressional Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Kiawah Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Merion Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Oakmont Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Oakmont Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Olympic Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Olympic Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Olympic Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Pinehurst B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Pinehurst No. 2 Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Royal St Georges Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Royal St Georges Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St Andrews Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St Andrews Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies St. Andrews B9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Uneven Lies Tour Legend Whistler Front 9 Ready-Go Tournament 
    Whistler Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Whistler Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    8-17 day tournaments:
    Tour Legend Best of Par 3 Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Bethpage Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Cabo Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Whistler Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    18-40 day Tournaments:
    Tour Legend Bethpage Full 18 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Merion Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Olympic Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 
    Tour Legend Olympic Front 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 

    Tour Legend Royal St Georges Back 9 Ready Go Ready-Go Tournament 


    cheers  wheres

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 10:51 AM

    This may be a tad off topic, but it involves ready go tournaments, so i'll post it on this thread anyways. One of the things i wish WGT reverts back to from the past is how they used to disperse the Ready Go payouts. I mean, if you end up in 16th place in a RG tourny, you get the same amount of credits as a player who placed in 30th place. I dont think thats right of fare. This is a new phenomenon that i truly hope WGT considers amalgamating. Cheers mates, happy hitting!!! BOOM!