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Sat, Apr 4 2015 8:51 AM (37 replies)
  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Sun, Mar 22 2015 11:07 AM


    This may be a tad off topic, but it involves ready go tournaments, so i'll post it on this thread anyways. One of the things i wish WGT reverts back to from the past is how they used to disperse the Ready Go payouts. I mean, if you end up in 16th place in a RG tourny, you get the same amount of credits as a player who placed in 30th place. I dont think thats right of fare. This is a new phenomenon that i truly hope WGT considers amalgamating. Cheers mates, happy hitting!!! BOOM!


    Best thing to avoid this is to finish in the top 10 and earn credits. I love the current system as it rewards elite play


  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 2:13 AM

    Hi DodgyPutter

    Thanks for your post.

    I have only one quistion.  You talk about that there is a significant number of people that 

    enjoy UEL RG's. I don't know how many this is, but I can tell you, that in the past 7 days

    15 UEL RG's has been played in the amount of 322 E/UEV RG's!

    Again I would like to say, that I have nothing against UEV RG's, just not my cup of tea:-)


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 1:23 PM

    Not sure what the question was but this answer is just some arithmetic, unfortunately there will be another.

    7 UEL tounaments so 15  completed RG's over 7 days = 2.14 times finished per tournament

    47 other RG's so 307 completed =  6.53 times finished per tournament

    (I'm using your numbers here, 54 RG's as you included those from all tiers in the completed ones.)

    So UEL fills at almost a third of the speed of even lie ready go's, yes I'd say that's a significant number of players anyway and there's more to it than that.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Mar 23 2015 3:28 PM


    I have only one quistion.  You talk about that there is a significant number of people that 

    enjoy UEL RG's. I don't know how many this is, but I can tell you, that in the past 7 days

    15 UEL RG's has been played in the amount of 322 E/UEV RG's!

    I take it the exclamation means that you think 15 is an insignificant number, as I said, I don't agree.

    I may be making a false assumption here but I think you most like playing the high stakes RG's.  The highest stakes one I could see is 600c.  What the tournament is has changed within the last seven days (as have the UEL's) but I count 4 being completed in the same 7 days; against roughly 175 (I didn’t count too carefully) of the 50c RG's.

    Does this mean that there should be more low stake RG's at the expense of the more expensive ones?  I would say no as a significant number of people enjoy the high stake RG's, but would you?  It is also the case that if you have to wait for the 600c ones you can work down through the 500c to whatever the minimum you play.  

    The 7 UEL ones are all there are for people that like playing this format (there are no slightly squint lie ones as back up, for example) and there is a range of values in them too, I like playing the less expensive ones which limits things for me a little more.


    Again I would like to say, that I have nothing against UEL RG's, just not my cup of tea:-)

    Really?  This is not the first time I've seen you say there should be less of them and earlier in this thread you called them a lottery.

    WGT could take out most of the TL RG’s and replace them, I think with all the data aichapman is collecting and sending them they might.  I reckon the problem there, as I said, is the tier system breaks down at TL and no sign of a solution.


    You are clearly one of the better players on here there must be so many tournaments for you to enjoy.  I would like to suggest something and I honestly mean no offence.  Why not say what you do want (if you have I have not noticed) instead of talking down what others enjoy.  Get rid of the UEL RG’s what instead, more of the ever popular 50c tournaments? 

    Incidentally,  so far today 4 UEL ready-go's finished.  Looking at the 31 finished by entry fee 16x50c, 10x100c, 3x200c, 1x300c, (0x 400c), 1x500c and (0x600c).

    I may also have said before but I reckon the mix of RG's is about right, with the exception of the TL tiered ones.  Two high staked TL tournaments would possibly work.  I've not looked at it but my instinct is TL RG's could work the opposite of all others, higher stake ones would perhaps fill quicker.  They could even try cutting the number to 30 entries maybe.

    Sorry to go on so much.

  • Buckthebuck
    572 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 5:34 AM

    The same thing happens with these threads each time, they are created by the same 2 or 3 TL's in an effort to increase the number of high stakes rg's. And what happens is people come in and talk about other things like low stakes, or uneven lies or add this or that. It does not really matter about the other tournaments or low stakes. The fact remains we need more high stakes. There are 4 rg's right now that are between 400 and 600 I played all 4 yesterday morning when they had just re-opened as of now they are still not closed so that means it will be a minimum of 12 hours from now before the re-open. Meaning that it will be 36-48 hours from the time I played to the time I can do a RG again. We need at least 3 or 4 more 500CR + Rg's to play.


    If people want more 50 cent 18 hole rg's or more uneven lies, then start a different topic, this is for 500 Cr +

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 10:51 AM

    If people want more 50 cent 18 hole rg's or more uneven lies, then start a different topic, this is for 500 Cr +

    Bit harsh for a thread titled RGs.

    Every month same old though.  One minute we say they must have really good people, just over stretched and then once again a simple thing like RGs with wrong descriptors, lack of high stakes, lack of 50, 100 and 200 credit 9 holes, 18 hole 50 credit ones and the usual wealth of never filling TL only ones.  I leave aside any comment on UEL stuff as never look at it.

    It's then, as usual, all topped off with a mod saying we are looking at this, thanks for the ideas.

    Is this mod really a goldfish impersonating Icon?  

    Icon knows all this chit, just that this side just looks a gimme simple one to get right.  Same mistakes each month though over and over  Follow that through and no wonder other fixes take months..........

    10,728 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 11:46 AM

    Tour Legend ready go's are taking ages to fill.Reduce the number from 50 to 40 please:) Played 300 Merion last week or maybe even before that and still says only 26 entries .I was actually the 26th. How slow is that?? They are simply not filling up.Simple solution! cut the numbers or put a time stamp on the comp and kick off regardless the entries.This ready go i mentioned is going to take over a month to kick off?? amazing.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 12:40 PM


    The same thing happens with these threads each time, they are created by the same 2 or 3 TL's in an effort to increase the number of high stakes rg's. And what happens is people come in and talk about other things like low stakes, or uneven lies or add this or that. It does not really matter about the other tournaments or low stakes. The fact remains we need more high stakes. There are 4 rg's right now that are between 400 and 600 I played all 4 yesterday morning when they had just re-opened as of now they are still not closed so that means it will be a minimum of 12 hours from now before the re-open. Meaning that it will be 36-48 hours from the time I played to the time I can do a RG again. We need at least 3 or 4 more 500CR + Rg's to play.


    If people want more 50 cent 18 hole rg's or more uneven lies, then start a different topic, this is for 500 Cr +


    Since when?  Mostly the original poster has asked for less TL and UEL ready-go's on the grounds they fill slowly.  Now you say there should be more high stakes tournaments on the grounds of  them filling slowly.  I've not asked for more or less of anything.

    If folk want more high stake rg's then by all means ask, but perhaps best not do it by rubbishing what others enjoy.  If someone is asking for there to be less UEL rg's then of course the thread is about them.   


  • Buckthebuck
    572 Posts
    Tue, Mar 24 2015 6:34 PM

    I am not rubbishing anything, the person who started the thread clearly did so with the intention of getting some high stakes RG's added. The only reason UEL's or TL rg's were mentioned was to illustrate what a waste of space they are to him so why not replace the useless 10 TL rg's with Rg's that actually fill up once a day or couple of days. Seems simple.

    Just because I have no idea why anyone would want to play a 50 cr 9 hole or even worse a 50 cr 18 hole rg is beyond the point. If you double up in one of those rg's you make 50 cents, after hitting roughly 29 or 58 shots depending on 9 or 18 holes you basically paid to play. But if some like that just to gain experience that's cool but seems like too much of a hamster wheel.

    Icon any update on there being something added? maybe this weekend?




  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Wed, Mar 25 2015 12:59 AM


    Just because I have no idea why anyone would want to play a 50 cr 9 hole or even worse a 50 cr 18 hole rg is beyond the point. If you double up in one of those rg's you make 50 cents, after hitting roughly 29 or 58 shots depending on 9 or 18 holes you basically paid to play. But if some like that just to gain experience that's cool but seems like too much of a hamster wheel.

    It's better to gain XP on RG's without losing credits (balls included) than losing 350 credits in a 600 cr. RG (between 16 and 30th positions + balls) for example. You have been playing since 2009, you have the best equipment (lucky you) and you are good, that's normal for you to play high stacks but it's not the case of the big majority of players! It's like poker: few players earn credits, a lot lose credits. 

    In my case I'm TL since 1st March, I will have to wait 4 months to be able to buy a "real" driver and 6 other months to buy better irons (especially compared to the irons I'm using). Before that I'm very happy to have 50/100 credits RG's to improve my putting, increase my % of dinged shots and take notes (thanks to WGT for the 50cr on Cabo Del Sol). And these UEL RG's are also very useful to improve my game in these hard (and not so random) conditions.

    So now you know why so many players like the short stake RG's.