Heath021: 124 yards away on 16 into a 31 mile per hour wind hit a 9 iron full no spin. The ball goes 131 yards? How is that. WGT just costs me 2 strokes on the tournament with there inconsistencies. WGT please fix these bugs!!! I spend alot of money here and deserve fairness.
Heath, it would probably help with a little more info of the shot w/9iron you described. (assuming "VEM" aka beast not invoved).;( What was the carry and roll distance. Did it take a fluke bounce? Did it hit/bounce off the down slope of a hill? Hitting onto the green at 16 sometimes do take "strange" hops, rolls, or just stops dead. imo
I see you have invested a lot of time and money into this game, as have I. I assume you are fairly well familiar with your clubs as do I. Is it frustrating? Understatement... loL
You use the G15's so I'm not familiar with characteristics, distances or idiosyncrasies. I use the G10's w/9iron rated at 130 yds. But that particular iron can be "fickle" at times. For example, full swing little bs the ball jumps off and goes ballistic regardless of wind speed. 8- 7irons 145/160 yds rating come up short consistantly. (thanx Jake for that warning)
Is this a bug? I used to think so, but now I realize its part of the design feature with the set...Is it frustrating? Understatement...LOL