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Really need more than 880 points per day

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Fri, Aug 28 2015 1:11 PM (21 replies)
  • arealgoodtime
    22 Posts
    Sun, Mar 29 2015 6:37 PM

    It should continue on, especially for players that have reached level 80 and above. It should not take a year to go from level 92 to level 96 as it does now. It is really unfair to the good players who have been on a good while.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 29 2015 7:36 PM

    At L92 you can arm yourself to the teeth to compete in Legend tier - take a look at the RGs.

    TLs there is an argument for getting things moving a bit quicker, but at L I can't see any.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Mar 29 2015 8:47 PM
    Joining a country club will earn you more xp's and to level up more quickly. Personally I get over 1,000 for a single hole consecutive day game.
  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sun, Mar 29 2015 10:57 PM

    Bragging boldly Courteney - 20 to 30 40 to 50 extra XPs once a day...

    5% extra (from CC level 13) might take a fortnight off the year ;)

    It should not take a year to go from level 92 to level 96 as it does now. It is really unfair to the good players who have been on a good while.

    This business model of a long grinding path needs not to be fair - it's business. They might be more interested in your ball spendings than in your gaming success.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 12:19 AM
    What are you on about? CC tournys bring in more xp's than ordinary games or had you forgotten? I didn't brag, boldly or otherwise. I just provided some facts. I also didn't recommend any club in particular to join. ( Your arithmetic needs some work too)
  • Mannyac
    11 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 12:41 AM

    I couldn't agree more here. WGT should offer a higher daily points allowance especially as many points as it takes once you get to level 90 and above. They should go by the level. level 90-1050 daily. Level 91-1100 daily, etc. 

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 12:49 AM

    Never intended to attack you, just offering a pun...

    Otherwise, please don't change the facts:

    Personally I get over 1,000 for a single hole consecutive day game.

    You mentioned one hole, not tournaments,
    and >1,000 XP for a single hole + CDP doesn't work with my maths:

    880 (CDP) + 6 (game) + 4 (strokes) + 50 (CC bonus, high estimate) is well below 950, let alone 1,000.

    Also, there's nothing "more" in the XP value of a CC tournament compared to an "ordinary" one, 190 or 400 XPs plus strokes each - the extra is in the CC pass which you might use.

    Last but not least, <snip>


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 7:30 AM

    a fortnight

    Which is two weeks, by the bye

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 7:57 AM

    Well said, Ms. Sweets!

    Utilizing the "myCC" bonus might save about two weeks off a year:

    It should not take a year to go from level 92 to level 96 as it does now.


  • NotFacebookCraw
    49 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 9:33 AM


    At L92 you can arm yourself to the teeth to compete in Legend tier - take a look at the RGs.

    TLs there is an argument for getting things moving a bit quicker, but at L I can't see any.

    I armed my teeth at 85.  If anything, levels 25-75 need to be slowed way down to encourage more upgrading.  I only upgraded once between 35-85.  Not because I didn't think it would help, but because I figured why bother purchasing a set of equipment that I will significantly advance past in 3 days?  Tearing through the levels with mid 30 equipment, you look and think, I'll hold off two weeks until I can get that 287 yard driver!  When I got into the 60s and things really slowed down, I realized that the level 85 goodies were weeks away and the top tier stuff wasn't coming til next year.  To the pro-shop I went.