I have been playing match play recently and noticing several shady things happening.
Game starts out with normal load times, about the 2 hole all the sudden the player is taking 2+ minutes to load a shot. Then it becomes even worse later in the round and will not hardly load at all and the player doesn't disconnect. Seems as if they are using a throttling program of some kind to cause the game to load slow and perhaps cause the other player frustration to quit.
This time the player is JOE***************15 and he has an extremely interesting match play record with absolutely terrible stats... Driving 65% GIR 58% one putt 28%. Yeah stats aren't everything but the slow loading on each of the shots sure as heck a crock.
similar to this, has happened recently as well:
Hole 5:
tee shot for Joe***************15 loading for 5 minutes, no d/c.
my 2nd shot 30 second load
his 2nd shot quick load
his 3rd shot 20.5 minutes, no d/c.
We are sitting here on hole 5, 50 minutes into the game.
I know if I close my browser this clown will be sitting there waiting to "continue the match".