Hi community,
due to personal reasons I temporarily took over the ownership of the country club "Lazy Dayz". Some of you may think "So what?" - but here are some data about our country club:
Q: What is "Lazy Dayz"`?
A: "Lazy Dayz" 's intention is to invite and bring together all online-golfers of WGT who are NOT fixed on only being the best, the first and making all the points.
Q: Why the h*** should I join "Lazy Dayz"??
A: We are a community of folks who like to play golf online, meet new people around the world - and we're taking this as a hobby with - eventual - nice prizes ... but the fees are from zero to low, so everybody can have his/hers success. This is meant as a fun, not a career-like community, so if you're going for the great and fast fame, you might be wrong.
Q: Are there any restrictions if I want to join?
A: Yes - you must have a WGT-account :-) No, honestly: everybody from Hack to Legend may,can and is invited to join. The only thing we ask our members for: share your tipps & tricks if you're asked to, be gentle and friendly to other members even if they're not halfway your level... your gain will be competent gamers in further tournaments!
If you want to learn more don't hesitate to contact me!!