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wgt or anyone....question on tier advancement

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Sat, Apr 11 2015 8:47 AM (6 replies)
  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2015 4:35 AM

    Some time ago i was advanced to the legend tier. I think part of the reason was beating a legend in match play, that was fine......... Now, fast forward to today. I am on an extended spring break and have time to do a few practice games and look over various profiles of WGT players.... I have noticed that there are MANY tour masters that have played against legend players in match play & won but remain a T/M....

    In fact, one tour master player has over 1100 wins against legends & tour legends in match play and still remains a tour master tier player. Has the "sandbagger" tier advancement been cancelled now? Can lower tier players play match play against higher ranked tiers & win and stay the same tier?

    Really curious because of the profiles i have just seen this morning



  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2015 4:44 AM

    There are no answers I'm afraid. Us clients can only guess, and those who know won't tell.

    The Hold-your-Tongue Tribe of Bay Area keep their secrets!

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2015 3:12 PM

    We don't dive into great detail because giving this information would allow some players to take advantage of it.  They could then stay at the lowest tiers.  I look at being moved up as a honor and accomplishment, which I would hope most players would agree with.


    - WGTdbloshoe

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 10:14 PM

    Perhaps these win were at a time when it didnt matter about playing higher tiers. You know about a year or so ago , before they made it so easy to level and tier up?

  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Fri, Apr 10 2015 11:16 PM

    defo sandbagging you can still win against higher tiers but your average will stay the same without tiering up once you hit a certain average. happened to a guy in my cc as he had not completed the required number of stroke play ranked rounds to tier up

  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Sat, Apr 11 2015 1:52 AM


    1   We don't dive into great detail because giving this information would allow some players to take advantage of it.  They could then stay at the lowest tiers. 

    2    I look at being moved up as a honor and accomplishment, which I would hope most players would agree with.


    - WGTdbloshoe

    1   Players that play within the rules are not cheating, if you don't make the rules crystal clear then how does anybody know if their actions are cheating ? Playing to ones best advantage within the set rules is not cheating. I also was advanced to Legend before my time coz as a TM I beat a few legends at matchplay. If I had known the system I would have avoided playing legends in matchplay - would that be manipulating my tier, would it have been cheating ?

    2  Your hoping that players would think being moved up is an honour doesn't  make it so. in most  gaming platforms advancement is the aim of most players, however the two track system of advancement in wgt  (ie tiers and levels) makes this a trickier affair as most players are well aware. Advance up the tiers too quickly with a low level means you wont have access to the more advanced equipment.

  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Sat, Apr 11 2015 8:47 AM

    As a T.Pro l played and Beat a T.Master in Match/play and my Average dropped by Point,1.30 So l advanced to Master Quicker than l would have playing Ranked Tournies 

                                                        Just Saying
