Hello everyone-our country club GO FOR THE GUSTO is looking for active golf lovers of any tier from hack to tour legend NO ONE IS EVER DENIED MEMBERSHIP no matter what your skill level.We are very active,friendly and always have lots of country club tournaments to play-free and paid ones as well.Please send me an invite if you would like to join our great country club of 245+ members and growing daily.Thanks a lot,Mike.
Looking for a few more active members-please join our club :)
almost to 250 members-please join us :)
Great CC looking for a few more members-thanks to all our new members for joining :)
have a great weekend everyone :)
Come join Go for the Gusto-can use a few more members :)
Hey mbglove,
Just sent a request to join! Have been looking for a good CC to join, was with another one, but this one's activity is WAY better.
Hope to be joining you for some tourneys soon!
thanks for joining us-welcome to our CC,Mike.
Gusto gets to level 11-thanks all Gusto members! GREAT JOB!!
looking for a few more members.