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Speed of the swing meters on the pro clubs

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Sun, Oct 24 2010 4:06 AM (13 replies)
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  • Rob2072282
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2009 9:17 PM

    any one else think that the meter speed on the pro clubs is a litte nuts.  spent 20 bucks on pro clubs, and im going back to the free ones

  • pullinup
    108 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2009 2:38 PM

    Whats the refund policy?

    I'm new so I dont know.


     Are the new culbs more forgiving to compensate for the faster swing speed?

    I would think that if you were paying for an advantage in the game (new clubs), that there WOULD be some advantage.

    I havent upgraded yet mostly due to lack of information.


    It seems like WGT needs an area where people could obtain more detailed info on how to shoot low scores.

    Like an example demo, showing a  MASTER shoot a low round.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2009 3:05 PM

    Its a risk v. reward thing...

    You get more distance (reward) but you may shank it off into the weeds because of the faster meter (risk).

    That's pure golf right there.  Take a bigger chance to get really lucky.. or play it safe.

    Your choice.

  • DeuceDragon
    16 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2009 9:35 AM

    yes the premium clubs are harder to use but in no way are they impossible and the reward is worth the risk. after i bought the clubs i spent several practice rounds at the Ocean course just hitting a full swing off the tee until i got used to it and now i dont have too many probs with them still the odd shank ofc but then golf would'nt be golf if u never shanked the odd 1

  • whitten1823
    84 Posts
    Tue, Jul 7 2009 10:10 AM

    Shooting low rounds consists of course management and making putts. Course management is the easy one. Golf is like bowling, pick up spares and strikes will come. So for golf, get pars and the birds will come. I play course management and I get about 4 good chances at birds, I just miss the putt. I've had the Taylor Made clubs for awhile now. You just gotta get used to the meter like you did with the starter set when we all first started playing WGT.

  • Alonz101
    20 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2009 8:16 PM

    Whit and Snaik, what you say in your posts brings the point home to those of us that had been debating whether to purchase the upgrade in clubs or not.  But, where I have the problem is not necessarily the area of risk/reward - as mentioned, that is just the game of golf or bowling or whatever your given thing is.  I am more wanting to be able to have an advantage brought to the table with the expenditure of funds and effort if I earn enough in a tournement to buy clubs that I can control - period!  I am just getting the hang on the basic issued clubs, and I am of the opinion that if I buy new clubs then the basic SPEED issue of meter speed would no longer be an issue, and that club control would be the thing to be developed on a greater level.  Does that make sense?  I think it does.  Slow the meter down and put a greater emphasis on accuracy off the club face.  Thats where the true skill comes through in the increase in effort would make a person's game stand out that much more, but first they must develope that skill which buying the better clubs u'll have to do anyway.

  • centrsall
    3 Posts
    Sun, Aug 8 2010 2:54 PM

    I agree!! I was doing good until I bought the "Pro" clubs, a driver and a 3 wood.. now the swing speed is outragious and messes up the whole game. I wanted to buy some clubs to give me distance and enable me to post better scores. But instead my game is going in the toilet and I'm NOT having any fun, just the opposite, I don't care to play when it's not fun.

  • borntobesting
    9,759 Posts
    Sun, Aug 8 2010 10:04 PM

    Remember guys if the meter speed is too fast for you or seems too fast get one of the GI balls to slow it down. The GI3 balls slow it down to almost a crawl. And one of the best pro drivers the Ping Rapture Pro driver has a very slow meter.As do all of the rapture clubs. But work on timing the meter with a no feel ball and when you get a gi ball it will seem like snails pace and make it very easy to ding. 

  • Errant
    72 Posts
    Mon, Aug 9 2010 7:18 AM

    To every pro who's considering upgrading their clubs my advice to you is don't waste your money. I've been using pro clubs for about a month now and I really didn't feel like they were much better than the starters that I had replaced. If you look at the specs of the clubs they should be a lot better but to me, I just wasn't feeling it. Today I decided to try a little experiment and I swapped all my pro shop clubs for the starters. I kept 1 pro wedge and my putter but the rest were starters. You know what? I think I like the starter clubs better! on paper they may not be as accurate as the pro clubs but the swing speed was really sweet. Especially with the GI2-s balls that I'm using. The pro clubs might be a little better than the starters but in my opinion, for the price you're paying, they're definitely not worth it. If I were you I'd get a good putter and save your money for the master clubs.

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Mon, Aug 9 2010 9:01 AM

    Whats the refund policy?


                  I know this is probly in jest,   but just in case,  the refund policy is  , no refunds  no returns.

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