Will buying new balls in the pro shop and like to pay with my phone number. Its allways avaiable here in Germany. Because the last two letters are not posible to write in the fild.
Did you try to buy credits via mobile phone?
For some time, this has defaulted to "USA" - no change despite my notice here.
Did you change the country? Otherwise your German mobile number will not work.
I had the same problem a few weeks ago , Like Alosso wrote I was typing US numbers, it took me a few mistakes and pulled hairs to see the new (pick country )
Finally found DK and it was working again.
I heard same issue before as well. As long as country is checked, it should be fine
Thanks for commenting.
Please note that this is another uncomfortable & new user's workaround for an item which has been working perfectly for years before, giving the correct country as a default. Mind you, this is in the private "account" area!