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Crap, I've been promoted, again...

Wed, Apr 22 2015 8:22 AM (7 replies)
  • HenriChinaski
    94 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 6:09 PM

    So, low master for 3+ years with starter clubs... Almost won a tourney 2 month ago, bought a iron set with my gains, won credits, bought a driver, won credits, won credits, won credits, promoted to tour master (15 days ago), won credits, bought a putter, won credits, everything was perfect (except the wedges).

    I could play with cheap balls and hit good scores, was pretty fun... for 15 days... Only 15 days! Seriously guys? It couldn't be a month, or two? So, what I do now? Buy expensive balls? Or maybe I Could give you back your 200C?

    Crap crap crap, what I've done to deserve this punishment?  :D

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 7:20 PM

    Congrats for becoming a Legend!

    Crap crap crap, what I've done to deserve this punishment?  :D

    In your words:

    [...] my gains, won credits, [...] won credits, won credits, won credits, [...] won credits, [...] won credits [...]

    This is called "anti-sandbagging measures" - If you are raking more than they do, you are promoted.

    Good news: It's over now - only ranked rounds count for a Legend.

  • HenriChinaski
    94 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 7:43 PM

    I should precise (look at my history) that I'm only playing WGT tournaments or, sometimes, alternate games for fun. And I never play credits against other player or even tournaments that aren't free (don't want to lose my credits, don't want to take credits from other players).

    Now that It's been said, I totally agree with you. It was time to level up... It's just that a 15 days period is a little too short to my taste. Playing from tour master tees with a big driver was so fun. ;)

  • HenriChinaski
    94 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 7:51 PM

    Question: Is there a bonus on your average score when you win a tournament? I'm asking because my average score wasn't so good, and I've been promoted after a tournament win (and before that I've made a jump from 63 to 61 after another tournament win)...

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 7:54 PM

    I don't criticise you for winning but you have to accept this consequence, too.

    Have fun from the tips!

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 9:38 PM

    Winning as TM is punishable by death from WGT. If u do well in the weeklies especially u get punished horribly and u either get ur average savaged, and get promoted as u did.

    I agree 15 days is nothing and those days as a TM are generally the most fun in ur WGT existence.

    U should join a CC now and level up quickly so that the best equipment becomes available.

    U will need it to become competitive once again.

    The best advice, but the horse has bolted now, is to play the brackets in the TM tier only. U could have picked up 1000's there without getting tiered up by WGT. Only ur average would have been affected by good play. The TM brackets are I believe 18 holers. - hard work but profitable.

  • HenriChinaski
    94 Posts
    Wed, Apr 22 2015 7:53 AM

    Yep, I couldn't agree more. In this game, the way your average is artificially inflated (win 140 credits -> you are fucked), you're always stuck in the wrong tier. Don't ask why there is so much sandbaggers, career reboot & multi-accounts...

    I was master for 3 years, without the equipment to be competitive in this tier, and that clearly wasn't fun (yes, you can enjoy the game, but you never have rewards). When I finally acquired the good stuff, and start have real fun for free (I could buy cheap descent balls with my tournament gains), they promote me two times in 15 days.

    So now I'm stuck again (ad vitam aeternam), in a tier where the best players can hit 56 from legend tees (I've never made 56 on a standard course from master tee). Great. Do I deserve that? Am I a legend player? I don't think so (yet). And to improve, and have fun again, I need to buy super balls (take survey, take survey, take survey) and level up a lot (92 to 100... So two years I think) to change my very new equipement and have a chance to be competitive again? That's insanely wrong.

    Booooooo WGT! ;)

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Wed, Apr 22 2015 8:22 AM

    John is correct, the game is a lot of fun in the Tour Pro tier and even more in the TM tier, especially when you have some high level equipment. But it's only fair to move the most successful players up.

    And to improve, and have fun again, I need to buy super balls (take survey, take survey, take survey) and level up a lot (92 to 100... So two years I think) to change my very new equipement and have a chance to be competitive again? That's insanely wrong.

    ...and it's to their benefit.

    This is the way these games are designed: Start for free, then grind and buy and buy and grind! Every level has a new temptation and every tier has a new challenge, the steps are becoming bigger and the prices rise each time! You must act very concious to find a good way through this jungle, or out if you so decide.