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Robbed of CC pass

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Sun, May 17 2015 2:20 PM (18 replies)
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  • ErnieOgilvy
    48 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2015 12:04 AM

    Whilst playing a 9 hole practice with another member the game dropped out and UNEXPECTED ERROR came up. I tried several times to re-enter the contest and each time I hit the continue tournament button I was presented with the unexpected error routine. Who pays for the lost CC pass? I DO. This isn't the first time this has happened and I am putting my foot down and insisting you reimburse me for your software malfunctions.

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2015 10:07 AM


    Whilst playing a 9 hole practice with another member the game dropped out and UNEXPECTED ERROR came up. I tried several times to re-enter the contest and each time I hit the continue tournament button I was presented with the unexpected error routine. Who pays for the lost CC pass? I DO. This isn't the first time this has happened and I am putting my foot down and insisting you reimburse me for your software malfunctions.

    Hi ErnieOgilvy,

    Thanks for the post. if you could send this request to our Customer Service department below, I am sure they would be able to help you out!

    In regards to the Unexpected Error that came up, if you could take a screen shot of it next time and send a bug report and send it to our CS dept. as well, it would really help to determine what happened and work towards a fix for it. 

    Also there has been a reported issue of sending a chat message at the end of a hole that gives you this error message. Until this is fixed I suggest not to send a chat message after the last putt and before the score card. 

    All the Best,


  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, May 9 2015 2:38 AM


    may I share some information and thoughts with you?

    - MP games are likely subjects to interruptions,
    - practice games don't have a re-enty option - they are cancelled then.

    Therefore, it's risky to invest a CC pass hoping for their finalization.

    - for your CC at level 8 with 51/250 members, there's hardly any useful benefits waiting when tiering up. XP %? Superpasses? functionless Directors? Nothing which I deem worth to actually buy CC passes for my level 8 CC.

    So, why waste credits and buy those passes anyway?

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2015 1:09 PM

    When the passes first came out, I suggested a simple fix to all these problems.

    WGT should fix the system so the pass isn't taken until the round is over. An added benefit for WGT would be the simple fact that more passes would be purchased. Who wants to buy a pass for an unlimited tourney? Certainly not I. But if I knew that my account wouldn't be charged until I finished a round regardless of a restart, I'd be more likely to consider it. 

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2015 1:36 PM

    He never said he purchased a CC Pass, just that he wants reimbursing for his lost pass, which more than likely was one of the two daily free ones.

    I find it remarkable with  so many instances of "unexpected error'  happening WGT at this late stage still want to see bug reports.  They must have 1000's already.

    Fobbed off with bullshite replies is very irritating.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2015 1:59 PM

    Who pays for the lost CC pass? I DO.

    This and the "reimburse me" demand is plain signs to me that he payed for the pass in question.

    Furthermore, who has fobbed him off IYO?

  • terripery
    143 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2015 2:04 PM

    Ok I got a lot of patience but petty angry that I've lost 5 cc passes today so far. Joined a new cc today and have been trying to contribute, First game was free pass, lead hitter quit and the game froze then 4 passes I paid for lost because of connection troubles!!!! And before any1 blames my server or pc they are current and hi-speed so it's NOT ME!! That's my money going down the toilet.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2015 2:48 PM


  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Mon, May 11 2015 9:39 AM


    Ok I got a lot of patience but petty angry that I've lost 5 cc passes today so far. Joined a new cc today and have been trying to contribute, First game was free pass, lead hitter quit and the game froze then 4 passes I paid for lost because of connection troubles!!!! And before any1 blames my server or pc they are current and hi-speed so it's NOT ME!! That's my money going down the toilet.

    If you experience a disconnection or issue in the game make sure to submit a bug report detailing everything that occurred. Additionally contact Customer Support and they should be able to assist you with the Country Club pass.


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Mon, May 11 2015 3:13 PM



    Ok I got a lot of patience but petty angry that I've lost 5 cc passes today so far. Joined a new cc today and have been trying to contribute, First game was free pass, lead hitter quit and the game froze then 4 passes I paid for lost because of connection troubles!!!! And before any1 blames my server or pc they are current and hi-speed so it's NOT ME!! That's my money going down the toilet.

    If you experience a disconnection or issue in the game make sure to submit a bug report detailing everything that occurred. Additionally contact Customer Support and they should be able to assist you with the Country Club pass.


      Everyone's sick and tired of you guys bull---t posts that tell us to submit bug reports and screen shots The new mod, Sham has admitted that for weeks there's an issue with the chat box and disconnections. This morning in the middle of an inter club match, my opponent was deemed to have forfeited the match, when he did nothing but miss an 8 ft putt to try and stay only 1 down. Instead of being 2 down with 3 to play, he's credited with a forfeit and me with a win. 

    The CC's are the lifeblood of this dump, so please, if you can admit there's a problem, at least hire some qualified people to fix the bug you've repeatedly admitted exists for weeks. 

    Geez, dumb gets dumber everyday around this joint.


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