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need help........tour master when ...........

Mon, Apr 16 2012 9:30 AM (21 replies)
  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 10:04 AM

    Ok I know I am not there yet but APPROXIMATELY when do you move up to Tour Master.

    I am a Master 68.4 average and dropping 1- 2 strokes a week maxed out at 75 after the changes got new putter and making my move down. Have 257 rds to my name play almost everyday only missed 2 days since consect days started. I know you need rounds and average but what the heck APPROXIMATELY are those numbers .


    Yes I am nuts I want to move up. Just want some idea can only play so much with working 65-70 hrs a week. I know wgt can not tell due to sandbagger bs but some idea would be nice.

    Thanks all


  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 10:27 AM

    it use to be a avg score below 66... but not its linked to rounds played and score avg. There hasn't been any advice on how many rounds get you to the next tier.

  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 10:32 AM

    just want to know if waiting for 6 months to move up


  • blawknox
    11 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 10:38 AM

    got to get your avg. under 66. Plus ranked rounds played what ever that is.

  • gk21al
    199 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 12:03 PM

    I have been following a few Masters averages because i was curious myself and have never seen anyone post the average for moving up to TM tier.  I've seen all the other tier's averages discussed just not this one, which was a lil odd to me. 

    I always thought it was around 65-66 until very recently, I noticed a master with an average 63.08.  And as soon as he hit 63.00 he turned a TM.  The amount of ranked games you have is certainly enough, you are just going to have to drop that average quite a bit.  = )

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 12:15 PM


    Ok I know I am not there yet but APPROXIMATELY when do you move up to Tour Master.

    I am a Master 68.4 average and dropping 1- 2 strokes a week maxed out at 75 after the changes got new putter and making my move down. Have 257 rds to my name play almost everyday only missed 2 days since consect days started. I know you need rounds and average but what the heck APPROXIMATELY are those numbers .


    Yes I am nuts I want to move up. Just want some idea can only play so much with working 65-70 hrs a week. I know wgt can not tell due to sandbagger bs but some idea would be nice.

    Thanks all


    It must be around 65 as I am still a master and my average is 65.65. Just play your best and let it happen. 

  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 3:58 PM

    okay see you in 10 days when i am near 65


  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Wed, Dec 15 2010 4:13 PM


    okay see you in 10 days when i am near 65


    I'm sorry to say it is nowhere near 65... I made the move a couple of weeks ago when my average went below 63 and my number of ranked rounds went above 150...

    IMO the best way to make sure is look at the masters on community spotlight section... the people shown there are on the verge of moving up a tier... they are around 63 which shows that my observation was about right 

  • tp2217
    11 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2011 11:04 AM

    As soon as I went under 67 I moved to master and i was a level 43, well now I am a level 74 and my average finally is down to 67.3. I took a really big hit and had to change out some clubs before I was able to start decreasing my average. If its going to take a 63 I am probably in trouble, since I play on a laptop and the meter plays hell with me a lot. Yes I know all the tricks but lately everyone is complaining about the meter, so that tells me WGT has an issue. No one seems to actually know if 63 is the magic number but I believe using the following it makes sense.

    85 Amature


    78 Pro


    72 Tour Pro


    67 Master


    63 Tour Master

    Have no clue what a legend has to do!


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Feb 19 2011 11:03 PM

    63 is the number. Legends must be around 59.