WGT, Are you paying attention?
Here are some outstanding ideas/suggestions/recommendations:
From Bollie:
1) Mix and match club sets - Would give players more options for customizing their bag. Many times I wished I could drop my 3i in favor of a hybrid, or would like to play the long irons from 1 set, and the mid-short irons from another. This could also increase sales as people purchase more clubs.
4) Improved mini-map - I would love to see your lie percentage and elevation in addition to distance (for your ball only) when you hover over the dot on the minimap. It would greatly speed up multiplayer games if utilized, especially blitz.
8) Ability to move laterally on the tee box
9) Improved friends list... During a round, I really don't need to know the status of my friends in the game client, perhaps a option to remove the friends list during game play.
From Andy:
#3 I highly support Bollie's wish #9 to provide an option to disable friends list updates during game play. I believe it is a major cause of stutter and lag in the meter and should be higher on any suggestion list.
2. IRL, I can begin lining up my putt while my playing partners line up and putt their's. Give us the ability to switch to view our putt(but not hit it), complete with grid and ability to aim, while our playing partner/ opponent is putting. A huge time saver in multi-player IMO. This also applies to fairway and tee shots.