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2011 Wish List

Fri, Dec 17 2010 12:11 AM (20 replies)
  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 12:01 AM

    I was brainstorming about what features I'd most like to see implemented in the coming year, and decided to copy nivlac's idea from 2 years ago.  My list, order based loosely on importance. (some more on the no-brainer side)

    1) Mix and match club sets -   Would give players more options for customizing their bag.  Many times I wished I could drop my 3i in favor of a hybrid,  or would like to play the long irons from 1 set, and the mid-short irons from another.  This could also increase sales as people purchase more clubs.

    2)  Variable speed fringe -  The fringe was ok 2 years ago when the only green speed was standard, but with the arrival of a wide array of speeds some of them present problems.  I think even 2 different speeds of fringe would be enough to alleviate most issues.  The existing fringe speed could be for very slow-fast greens, and a new faster fringe for very fast-championship.

    3) More pin placements -  Pretty self explanatory,  makes you think a lot more and play less robotic memorization golf.

    4) Improved mini-map -  I would love to see your lie percentage and elevation in addition to distance (for your ball only) when you hover over the dot on the minimap.  It would greatly speed up multiplayer games if utilized, especially blitz.

    5) Tee box stated in tourney lobby -  Captaincouples started a petition about this in the forum and got many many replies, it's simply nice to know in advance what tees you are playing from (weekly multiround uses a variety of tees, which is great).

    6) Reconnect option in multiplayer stroke play -  You have it in match play and and alternate shot, why not stroke play.  For me personally 95% of my multiplayer rounds are with friends.  When someone bails, it is not because they were playing poorly, but because they either had something come up and needed to leave the computer, temporary internet outage, or flash crashed, etc.   Giving the host of the round the ability to wait for the player to come back would be nice.

    7) Shot shaping - Pretty self explanatory.  Would add a new dimension to the game.

    8) Ability to move laterally on the tee box - WGT is clearly above the competitors in terms of realism.  More things like this just bring the game 1 step closer to emulating real life golf.  Would be great to take advantage of winds on par 3's or cut the corner a little more on doglegs.

    9) Improved friends list -  I've played extensively on 3 different computers now, and all have had some issues with friends logging on/offline, or their status changing color impacting the meter performance.    During a round, I really don't need to know the status of my friends in the game client, perhaps a option to remove the friends list during game play.

    10) Improved penalty enforcement -  Thankfully I have not yet found the water on 17 Kiawah from the legend tees, but I'm sure it is only a matter of time.  How about letting us decide if we would like to drop, or rehit from the previous location.


    Miscellaneous -  WGT sanctioned club vs club competitions,  Ability to read partners putt in alternate shot,  shortcut key for pulling flagstick (so i can program a mouse button to do it).


    What features would you like to see, other than the completely obvious ones like more courses.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 1:07 AM

    The alt shot format for multi-player rounds in my opinion was a huge success.  Next format should be best ball.

  • kam4122
    1,695 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 2:34 AM

    I agree with all of the above, best ball is a must, as is disconnect protect as at least a configurable option on all games.

    I would also like to see the following -

    - Ability to hit driver off the fairway

    - Introduction of 1 & 2 iron in the pro shop

    - Ability to hit a wedge on the green (this is perfectly permissable in tour golf it should be possible on here as no greenkeeper to upset!)

    - introduction of course moisture conditions, e.g hard pan (lots of run), dry (medium run), wet (little run), sodden (no run), this should be linked to the current green speeds as well, as even championship greens at St Andrews let you drop and stop a long iron if its wet, while still retaining a high reading on the stimpmeter.

    - Introduction of branded golf balls in the pro shop which can significantly increase distance, or spin, combination of both and especially a high accuracy one that reduces deviation and 'straight distance' balls that reduce the effect of off center hits.

    - Ability to slightly open or close the clubface to work the ball, implemented by simple use of the spin dot on the ball, we currently are able to hit top or bottom, should introduce the ability to move the dot left or right as well where hitting the ball dot right will impart right to left spin and hitting dot left will impart left to right spin, thus creating a simple elective draw or fade feature.

    - I think the deviation algorithm should be tightened up the higher the tier, pro golfers have significantly less dispersion through the bag than club golfers, especially when tour gear is correctly swing weighted and shafts frequency matched, if a pro golfer got a 9 yard deviation against the wind with a 4 iron when he flushed it, that club would never be hit again. The beasts we are getting right now, when we hit long irons are rediculous, its like being handed a penalty shot for no reason.

    - Finally, please someone slap the caddy, how much time do we all waste changing club for pretty much every shot, or changing type of shot round the green? At least make the caddy slightly adaptive and give us features to configure it eg. always give me the club closest to the shot distance, if I am in the fescue off the green dont default to chip, default to pitch, or perhaps stick a decent caddy in the pro shop that we can buy it will save us all a ton of time.

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 5:19 AM
    I agree with all suggestions above. Please noone suggest an xp boost drink or kilts or any other such rubbish. Let them fix the issues they have (some for a very long time), add items that people have requested and improve the game for the players.
  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 5:22 AM

    Also can I suggest that an algorithm be written which stops Bollox winning everything.

    It appears he will be winning 3 trips to the LPGA as at current standings (maybe he will invite me -  i'd even wear a skirt)

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 5:37 AM

    Great list Bollie, but I think you titled your post wrong.  Perhaps 2014 wish list might be closer to the time we see even half of these suggestions integrated into the game.

  • Angeltotti20
    296 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 7:39 AM

    11. More avatars, hats, gloves, shoes....

    12. More drinks, energy bars, beers....

    13. Saint Valentine's day ball.

    14. More useless things in general.

    Thanks! hehe

    Great list Bollie :) I'd like to see all those things implemented!

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 8:41 AM

    Blast shot from sand (wedges only - to take the place of the flop, which could be neutered if attempted from sand).

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 8:54 AM

    #1 On my wish list are woods with a driver  that goes 270 to 280 yards with "Rapture-like" qualities.  Maybe the K15s will provide one soon? I am eye-index finger coordination challenged will pay big bucks WGT.

    #2 Get me the he** out of the same tier as Bollie, AvatarLee, Jake, and all the others I can't compete with!  Either add a Tour Legend tier or move me down to Tour Master.  For those that will say practice, practice, practice...see my #1 above!  Practice does me no good if I can't come close to a ding with the faster clubs.

    #3 I highly support Bollie's wish #9 to provide an option to disable friends list updates during game play.  I believe it is a major cause of stutter and lag in the meter and should be higher on any suggestion list.

    #4 Jake made a great suggestion a while back for a player group to do Beta testing before new features are released to the general population.  I'd expand that to include up front user input to new feature designs before implementation starts.

    I made the following list of ways to speed up play back in July and for simplicity sake will quote them with new notes in bold and red.

      Posted July 29, 2010 - Ideas for changes to the WGT game to reduce the time it takes to make a single shot and to reduce the total wall time of a game.  For both single player and multi-player games.  Here are my suggestions:

    1. Concede putt/hole in match play. (Been suggested many times before, stated again for completeness.).DONE w/ exception of alternate shot.

    2. IRL, I can begin lining up my putt while my playing partners line up and putt their's.  Give us the ability to switch to view our putt(but not hit it), complete with grid and ability to aim, while our playing partner/ opponent is putting.  A huge time saver in multi-player IMO. This also applies to fairway and tee shots.

    3. I don't need to see my scorecard and click Continue between every hole.  Give me the option to shut that off. Just go to the next tee.

    4.  If I must see the scorecard between holes, and I'm in an unlimited play tournament or CTTH game, give us a restart button on the scorecard page.  And for unlimited play tournaments, give us a restart on the pull down menu so we don't need to go thru the game selection menu (via the End Round/Main Menu option)

    5. SAME AS kam4122 SUGGESTION ABOVE:  Options to tell my caddy which wedge I'd like first, which shot (chip, pitch, flop) I'd like first, and which putting scale I'd like first.  He never seems to get it right, even though I've told him a thousand times, don't give me PW / Chip all the time! LOL

    6. I'm primarily a reverse view aimer and putter, and I'm sure many others do as well.  How about an option to choose which view we see first?  Saves me a click and load reverse view on every putt.

    7. Making fine adjustments to our aim using the keyboard arrows would allow us to better use the mini map or normal view for aiming and avoid the whoops, that 78yd shot on the aimer just became 427yds.

    8.SAME AS BOLLOXINBRUGES SUGGESTION #4 ABOVE:  Until we can view our shot while our playing partner/opponent is hitting (#2 above) how about more info in the mini-map pop up?  Something like this:

    9. It would help us more quickly calculate our 2nd shots, particularly par 5 lay-ups if the aiming box included distance to the pin as well as distance to the aiming marker.  Like this on BPB #4 with distance to pin shown in yellow:

    10. Finally, both aggravating and time consuming, if we do time out in multi-player, don't make us start from scratch on our shot all over again!!

    Naturally, as with any brainstorming activity, I gave no regard to implementation difficulty or cost.  Not that I would be able to estimate anywhere near the ballpark.

    And rather than dictate "this is how it should be done" I chose to recommend using game setting options in most cases.

    These are things that have been fermenting in the back of my mind for the last year.

    Please add your ideas on changes to the game  to speed things up.

    We need to hear more suggestions from other tiers, any ideas from Tour Masters, Masters, Tour Pros, etc??







  • BriRock
    148 Posts
    Thu, Dec 16 2010 9:06 AM

    shortcut key for pulling flagstick (so i can program a mouse button to do it).

    Think we are getting a bit greedy / lazy with that last one...otherwise i more or less agree with everything else....#1 being number one on the list is right on the money.