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Country Club Forum thread management

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Mon, May 25 2015 5:10 PM (4 replies)
  • WillieBruce
    1,123 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2015 11:19 AM

    Will club directors ever have the ability to pin/unpin threads in their respective forums?

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2015 1:49 PM

    No player will know, and the company won't tell.

    But I doubt it concerning this special feature because the forum software is outdated anyway - changes there are extremely unlikely.

    And, like other "new" features (Nation, bank, CC level benefits, award modifications...) the member titles seem only halfway thought through and programmed. Don't expect any change anytime soon.

    They are WGT, hope is futile.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 4:49 PM


    Will club directors ever have the ability to pin/unpin threads in their respective forums?

    right now, we don't know but if I had to guess, no. not because we dont want to allow you to, but because it's like a limitation with the forum software


  • WillieBruce
    1,123 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 2:14 PM

    Appreciate the reply, WGTicon, but am confused by the 'limitation' part.  The feature worked fine and dandy when I pinned the club rules and 2014 tourney schedule which are still at the top of our forum (The Seniors Golf Club & Pub).  Perhaps you mean having that feature one messes something else up with the forums, though I didn't have any other posting issues when the pin/unpin feature was available.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 5:10 PM


    Appreciate the reply, WGTicon, but am confused by the 'limitation' part.  The feature worked fine and dandy when I pinned the club rules and 2014 tourney schedule which are still at the top of our forum (The Seniors Golf Club & Pub).  Perhaps you mean having that feature one messes something else up with the forums, though I didn't have any other posting issues when the pin/unpin feature was available.

    I meant in a sense that having more than 1 person with powers in country club to do that. Your issue is likely not limitation but a bug since it happens usually when you pass ownership and then get it back. there maybe other circumstances too.
