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Master using Level 19 Spider Putter

Thu, May 28 2015 4:04 PM (12 replies)
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  • APX3
    15 Posts
    Fri, May 22 2015 1:25 PM

    Level Master, my  Avg score 65. I have used the same Spider "level 19" putter for 3 years. I like it but believe a new  putter might help my game. Can a putter make a reasonable difference in my score? What Putter would you recommend being that i am familiar  to and like my  Spider.   

    Respectfully  AP Dawg  ^. . ^


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, May 22 2015 11:22 PM

    If I were you I'd check out the Rossa 55. But I'm only guessing because I see some high level players using that and it has a great price. The common word is that it works w/ off-ding putting styles. 

    For what it's worth, I have the versa 97 but I almost always use my spider 92.

    GL in any choice you may make.

  • RoggRR
    644 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2015 9:00 PM

    versa L70 is very good also (it is unlocked for you)

  • APX3
    15 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2015 7:36 PM

    Roger how can you suggest when you are using a starter putter? TY either way


  • RoggRR
    644 Posts
    Wed, May 27 2015 10:53 AM

    i have tried it several times, durring free rental weekends . versa was much much better then any other putter ... scales 15, 30, 60, ...  (i thought that is same like your actual putter scales) ... i did my longest putt by versa, and some more

    sorry if i confused you, good luck

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Wed, May 27 2015 11:09 AM

    Level 70+ Versa putter is a great putter either way you putt . If you are a ding or miss the ding putter , the versa works both ways . It can truly be the last putter you will ever need . The only reason that I got the 96+ versa was because the 70+ one had spoiled me . So get it , I promise you will love it once you learn it and it wont take long to learn .

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 28 2015 5:55 AM

    Can a putter make a reasonable difference in my score?

    Have you ever wondered why a perfectly struck putt on a good line just seems to wander off line? That's what balance in a putter fixes. IMO, the level 70 Versa would be a great upgrade for you. Same meter speed but way better attributes, particularly in the balance department.

    Imagine trying to putt with a balsa wood putter-very light and easily deflected when swinging through the ball because there's no mass in it and it's hard to balance a feather. Replace that with a well balanced, evenly weighted putter and all you have to do is hold on, the putter just about swings itself. Then the putt will roll true and you won't be seeing it wander off the line.

    Keep in mind, you're not buying putts with a new putter, just a decent piece of equipment to make them with. And don't expect miracles the first time out, it's going to take you a while to get comfortable with it but you will be rewarded.  :-)

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, May 28 2015 6:45 AM

    Can a putter make a reasonable difference in my score?

    I am not 'tech' savvy enough to say why, but for whatever reason, the better putter takes those many, many putts that are so darn good but stay out, and now, go in. The Versa 70 is most likely a move that will warm your heart and create the scores you deserve, ~ SP ~

  • daveparr
    1,175 Posts
    Thu, May 28 2015 6:59 AM

    AP l am a user of the L55 Rossa Putter at 750 credits you will not find a better putter at this level in the pro shop   im not sure about what the other person meant by it works well missing the Ding,  Bottom line is if you ding this baby its  accurate 

    l never Scored 29, or a 30 in a 9 hole until l got this putter im not doing that regularly but l was not doing it at all with the putter l used prior for me it has been a birdie maker where befor l pared to many holes

                                                       Best of luck.



  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, May 28 2015 6:59 AM

    A long time friend of mine on WGT is one of the best putters I have ever seen around here, and he plays a level 19 Spider.

    His stats are like over 50% 1 putt and 49% 2 putt.

    But stats don't tell the truth, he is amazing. I gifted him a better putter and he refused to play with it.

    Stay with what u know, as long as u truly know how to use that putter.

    1i   plays wiv shite balls cos he's a shite player

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