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rated by 0 users
Mon, May 25 2015 6:02 AM (0 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 6:02 AM

    For info ive cut club size down and going to be even more careful now with requests to join. We had a multi in club, a couple of the names he used left and gave abuse on my wall (dunno why). He kept another open and as the writing of these members was clearly visible (and i mean no few folk could write like he did lol), that it was the same person, then i just kept feeding and feeding until hooked. Not sure how some folk could act vile in one way and crawling in another but so it was. Strange thing is 3 weeks ago i had another ex member who was the same, he admitted to it but said he was clean now..I could not take chance then, but it happened again!!

    I obviously cant put names on here, which is a shame as disrupting folk who are trying to help and enjoy game will no doubt carry on. 

    Just thought i would put this on and would hope all take a dim view of this crap.
