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Uneven Lies

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 6 2016 9:13 AM (2 replies)
  • Zayante
    45 Posts
    Thu, May 28 2015 8:08 PM

    I started a new Country Club for players who like Uneven Lies. It can be frustrating to hook up with people for match and alternate shot games that play UEL, so let's band together and make it happen!

    Le me know if you are interested in the Uneven Liers Country Club and I will get an invite over your way!


  • Zayante
    45 Posts
    Thu, Jun 4 2015 6:01 PM

    We are picking up members of all levels from around the world that like to play Uneven Lies. Once you go uneven it's hard to think of the standard game as a real challenge.

    If you want to join look us up and let's play some real golf !



  • Zayante
    45 Posts
    Sun, Mar 6 2016 9:13 AM

    Just a reminder that if you are an Uneven Lie player our club is for you. No drama or commitments, just a place to hook up with other UEL players as friends for match and alt. shot games and participate in the tournaments we set up.