I've just posted this to Blo and putting it here for your opinions. Cheers.
Hello Blo,
I'm wondering if it's possible to do a couple of small tweaks on the site.
On the country club home page, is it possible to use up more of the space below 'Members Activity' and show more post notices? I find that in our club they go off the page very quickly, even more so when the forum is busy with members posts and a lot of posts are missed. I think there's room for a few more.

Also, when I'm looking for WGT members without a club to try and recruit them, I check the members online page. While it has a lot of info on the page about the members, I feel it would save us owners a lot of time if the CC icon was included. Then we could see at a glance who is or isn't a club member and we can follow up on that.

I know it has the CC info in the leaderboard/results lists, but the results are not the most recent and some players have big gaps in their activity. If the CC icon was in the 'members online' list, it would tell us who's not in a club, and who is currently playing. Two small changes, but would be two big time savers for this club owner, and I'm sure, others.

Would this be a big decision for the WGT chiefs to make these changes, and is it possible?
Thanks for your time. Dubfore.