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Avatar image etiquette

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Mon, Jun 22 2015 9:48 PM (14 replies)
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  • RAFBlackace
    479 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2015 10:40 AM

    I have been playing for a month or so now and found the community both friendly and sporting. I have never had any issues and I am always polite and respectful of other players.

    Last night when entering a game with only one other player, I came across some, shall we say, hostility. The player told me forcefully to leave the game when he had not even played a shot. I asked him why, he told me my picture did not match my avatar.

    I asked, "Is that a problem"?

    He said "Damn right it is!" and once more asked me to leave.

    After some more requests for explanation as to what the problem was with no response other than leave the game, I left, still confused as to what the issue was.

    My Avatar is male. I am 52 years old and happily married. So much so, I always use a small picture I had taken of my wife 25 years ago when we were married on all forums and images including facebook and other social media. A very respectable image of just a face. I have never ever had any one mention or complain about this. I used this image on the profile as well.

    I know this may seem confusing to some, but players mostly just ask who the picture is of and after the explanation understand with no issues.

    I even told this player who the image was of, and in no way tried to deceive him (or anyone else for that matter) that the picture was actually of myself.

    Maybe he was racist (my wife is Indian) maybe he was upset to find out I was not the person in the image, I don't know. But to be safe, I immediately went to my profile and changed the picture back to the default one for my Avatar.

    Is there some unwritten rule that says the picture must be of yourself? Because I have seen all kinds of pictures being used of all kinds of people and objects that bear no resemblance at all to the person behind the keyboard.

    If the guy thought I was trying to masquerade as Female, the male avatar and the fact I told him the picture was of my wife and not myself should have cleared that up, just the same as it has done on other occasions.

    If its a problem. I'll leave it to default, but would like to know what the rules are regarding acceptable and in no way offensive images being used in the player profile.

    Anyone who thinks that an avatar image reflects the real person behind the keyboard is not used to the internet, it's simply an image.

    thanks for your assistance.



  • DAputts
    1,919 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2015 6:36 PM

    show whatever profile picture makes you happy.  Use  a male avatar, what difference would it make.  If asked explain and move on, guy sounds like a jerk.. don't sweat it.. just sayin.


  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2015 7:58 PM

    Find a nice club and play with friends! 

    There are so many players of lesser intelligence out there.

    They can only play with randoms .

    It has happend to most if not all of us.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2015 11:50 PM

    This is me, does it offend u, 'cos it obviously isn't me as Marge is an animation

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 12:51 PM


    This is me, does it offend u, 'cos it obviously isn't me as Marge is an animation


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 1:16 PM

    Post what you wish, WGT will soon remove any image that offends in anyway.....


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 1:23 PM

    Is there some unwritten rule that says the picture must be of yourself?

    Not at all. Put your wife's picture back up. What do you suppose that clown does when he runs across a picture of a pet dog (and there's a lot of those?)  You think he thinks he's playing a dog?  LOL

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 2:00 PM

    Seriously ? On behalf of the entire WGT community ( who have at least one iota of respect for their fellow man ), I apologize. Public flogging and a week in the stocks would be too kind for such behavior.


    "The moose in the spacesuit"

    Doc :)

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 2:01 PM



    This is me, does it offend u, 'cos it obviously isn't me as Marge is an animation


    Wow Hazen, u look just like Leonardo de Caprio, u hansum bugger

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 2:22 PM

    I think it's the "yellow" that caught his eye.

    Doc :)

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