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Knowing the course settings we play in Virtual tour...

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 26 2015 5:18 AM (3 replies)
    191 Posts
    Thu, Jun 25 2015 6:14 PM

    Hi all!

    Like WGT tries to be as near as possible to the reality, I wonder why it is not possible to know the course settings when playing a "single" tourney (or round)... 

    If the settings are Hard tees or Easy ones, it could dépends on the choice of clubs for example, and if the flag positions are difficult or not...

    Maybe there is a place where this is said, but I never found it...

    Someone can help?



    191 Posts
    Thu, Jun 25 2015 8:15 PM

    OK... I just played my round (60, not good at all, because the tees were very "easy"), and looking for the full leaderboard ( I never do that, I don't know why I did this time...), I saw that you can "practice"... Now I know how to know the course settings... A bit too late for this month but I will do next time..

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Jun 26 2015 2:33 AM

    practice does not represent the real thing, neither here nor in real life.

  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Fri, Jun 26 2015 5:18 AM


    OK... I just played my round (60, not good at all, because the tees were very "easy"), and looking for the full leaderboard ( I never do that, I don't know why I did this time...), I saw that you can "practice"... Now I know how to know the course settings... A bit too late for this month but I will do next time..

    But as each time you play the settings are random you might not be practicing the settings that the Virtual Tour will be using. Even if the only difference is wind direction that can make a big difference.