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Christmas in July 2015

Mon, Jul 13 2015 5:16 PM (1,238 replies)
  • Shinnstoneer
    4 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 11:11 PM

    Every now and then humanity reveals the better side of itself and often through small gestures. This seems to be one of those things...I'm sorry I missed the chance to sit on Santa's lap and ask for a nice present but the gift of seeing the generosity is a good consolation. By the way, I mean no disrespect in calling this a small gesture...on the scale of things it's usually the accumulation of many such things that make a day brighter :)

  • pratyush1909
    130 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 11:39 PM

    Hello Santa,

    May I please have this for Christmas in July:

    Cleveland 588 56° Wedge (L76+)

    Thank you so much.

    Best regards,


  • Raymanchef1
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 2:00 AM

    my putter leaves me short every time


  • marcelo0045
    437 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 2:08 AM

    Hey Santa remember me please,this year i had many problems because i changed my facebook count to wgt and losted my clubs,was a new start but in L70.any club to my level is welcome, putter, driver and wedges if I win some club I promise to leave the dark side of the force.



  • Jag001
    1,476 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 2:26 AM

    Well looks like I probably missed the boat here! I posted this in another thread not realising this thread existed, however I will repeat here in the hope that Santa is still listening.


    "Dear Santa, 

    I can trust you, if I sit on your knee right????? 

    My first thought is to ask you with your list of who's naughty and who's nice, well actually just your list of naughty girls would be fine! Ho Ho Ho.

    Ok so, perhaps you will keep that for yourself.

    I was actually not going to ask for anything, however the group of guys  I played with last suggested that ask you for a better Putter than the Anser 2 I have, . You think they were trying to tell me something?

    Whether you chose to grant my wishes or not, I will leave the milk and cookies just inside the front door. 

    Merry Christmas in July to you Big Fella.



  • Purelyrod
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 2:54 AM

    I'm a 60 year old member who was struck by a hit and run drunken driver on November 4 2012 and have lost my sight in my right eye and have had 13 surgeries to repair the shattered bones in my left tibia, fibula and ankle. Over the lAST THREE YEARS, i'VE RACKED UP COUNTLESS HOURS ON THE wgt COURSES. mY FAVORITE IS pEBBLE bEACH AS i GREW UP THERE AND GRADUATED cARMEL hIGH sCHOOL IN 1973. mY OTHER FAVORITE COURSE IS sT. aNDREWS. i SURE COULD USE A REALLY NICE NEW DRIVER BUT CAN'T AFFORD CLUBS. mY 860.00 DOLLARS A MONTH JUST PAYS MY RENT AND FOOD. aNY sANTAS WANT TO HELP ME OUT?

  • Patsybaby
    119 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 3:31 AM

    A huge thank you to my Santa. Couldn't believe my eyes when I went to play today.

    May I also say that all of the Santas are making so many people so very happy.

    My sincere thanks to everyone involved.

    Everyday now, I can't wait to play.



  • thekidispure
    104 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 5:42 AM

    wel im going to try one last time  fingers crossed for the level 98 taylor made driver if cant afford it anything is nice .i tried the santa thing in winter and they took so long so i bought it then that night they bought exact same thing for me so i have 2 of them still.come on santas us players at higher levels need things more never have money on here any more no use playing tournaments same 5 guys win them everytime has totally stopped me from playing wgt.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 6:22 AM

    no use playing tournaments same 5 guys win them everytime has totally stopped me from playing wgt.

    If you have " totally stopped playing wgt", why do you need a driver?

    Do you really think a new driver will get you on the leaderboards?!! LMAO.

  • Aidanspa
    385 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 6:28 AM

    Wish I could help the folks asking for high-level equipment.  I earn credits by vids and surveys like most others here and usually have just enough on hand for a sleeve of balls for my own play.  Thanks to all who participated and help make the wgt community like no other I've ever been a part of.