I am also the victim of an unwanted invite, and despite repeated requests to the owner via his wall, nothing has been done.
So what can we do, well u can't splash revenge invites on the owners, the system doesn't allow it, but we can splatter all of his members with multiple invites and see how that works.
I propose we start a list of the irresponsible owners and their clubs.
A second list of the CC owners who wish to take part in this revenge action.
Of course should any of these knobs accept ur / our invites then remove them immediately and block them.
- owner ccv2qr, CC Jewel Blue..................my CC is Cosa Nostra and we wish to partake of the revenge action
Even u have a big club it will still be easy to filter out all those invitees who accept, just by copy/paste ur membership from a tournament leaderboard, into an Excel spreadsheet, and run a sort daily to filter out all "recruits"
BTW u can get rid of the 'orangeness in both windows by clicking the invite , then clicking back on ur friends, the orange disappears, but in the forum window it comes back on each new page u look at. However for game play I think it stays grayed out. I fckin hope it does anyway.