jiggsie:posting anywhere that list different ideas and suggestions for interesting CC tournaments
This may end up being it. :^)
Farthest From the Hole.
If you have a spreadsheet guru. Pretty much anything handicapped. We do one that pits every entered member against each other for a championship. You just put up a 9 every week that everyone plays, but each player's score is compared to only one other player with the handicap applied. The hc really evens it out.
I sponsor an uneven lies tourney every week. I use a handicap system based on the USGA. The hardest part was coming up with slope/rating for all the main courses. (We don't do Bo? or the cartoon courses.) Only a dozen or so members take part so managing a handicap spreadsheet for each isn't that time consuming.
We do a Survivorlike thing every year. The weekly challenges are sometimes a bit out there. Closest to a particular score - Longest total made putt distance - Must miss all fairways (penalty strokes added for FWs hit) - Offering up one participant from each team and loser is out. (Do you put up your best player at risk or sacrifice someone?) Winning team gets to vote a player off from the losing team. The sky's pretty much the limit.
We're in the middle of an "Eclectic" competition. Pick a course, and run 6 weekly 18s. Everyone's final score is made up of the best that they have done. This one requires posting scorecards, and it's helpful to have a spreadsheet to track it all.
Yes. On some of these, cheating could happen.