I used Comodo Dragon for a long while and had no real meter problems. especially once I had used the forums here and set my computer up as best I could, this includes going into the game options on the Game Client screen and altering some settings in there. I believe there is a post somewhere about that too! I also used Firefox on the rare occasions Comodo played up.
I would also add that the browser I use for WGT Is kept exclusive to WGT. I use it for nothing else at all, whether this makes any difference I don't know, but this was a tip I was given a long while ago, and I have stuck by it. There's plenty of other browsers you can use for your everyday stuff after all !
However when I upgraded to a new computer with Windows 7 64 bit and superfast broadband, I decided to try out Maxthon. I have been using this for a couple of months or so now and I can safely say I support what all the others have said about the smooth meter. No more stuttering meter and all that stuff. All my bad shots are entirely my fault, can't blame the meter. Full screen is fine too !!
Try Maxthon and you may be very surprised by the results.
These are just my views, but have given me reasonable results for a long while now
P.S. I would also say that you have to find a browser that works best for your own set up.