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Earning credits "Watch Videos"

Wed, Jun 14 2017 12:13 PM (30 replies)
  • Georgie85
    9 Posts
    Thu, Jul 23 2015 6:35 PM

    I used to be able to earn a couple hundred credits a day on the "Watch Videos" tab (not the carousel, the ones that load automatically just above the other offers) . Now maybe 3 or 4 videos will load and then no more load upon refreshing the page. I haven't been around long, so does anybody know if they have recently began limiting video views this significantly within the past few days, has it always had it's ups and downs in the past, or is there potentially something on my end blocking them?

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2015 1:14 PM

    I have seemed to hit a dry spell myself.   It usually goes that way for me.   After a while they'll start showing up again I hope.   I just keep checking daily.



  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2015 3:59 PM

    maybe 3 or 4 videos will load and then no more load upon refreshing the page

    They do go away occasionally. It is rare for it to happen mid- month - much more common at the beginning of a month, especially a quarter. They've always come back in the past, but that is no guarantee that this time they will. 

    I have quite a bankroll right now. Hopefully enough to ride it out.

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2015 7:14 PM

    Same problem here for 4 nights now. Just started realizing recently that there were 400 to 500+ creds a night to be had here. Was keeping me in Nike90 stock. Built up 10 G's then had to buy all new stuff a few weeks ago when I turned legend. Got it close to being back there and the well ran dry. Was hoping to sponsor some club tourneys with it for the lower tiers once I got a decent ball stock.

    One thought I had was it may be the Flash/Firefox issue. Are you guys on different browsers than Firefox?

    1 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2015 7:29 PM

    I'm wonder if the new Adobe Flash has caused this problem. I've been having issues since the 15th. Those ad use Flash player to run.

  • Georgie85
    9 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2015 8:48 PM

    One thought I had was it may be the Flash/Firefox issue. Are you guys on different browsers than Firefox?

    I'm using Firefox, but I've tried with IE and Chrome as well. It's looking less like there is an issue, and more like they are just cutting way back on the video cycle. Hopefully they restore a decent cycle in due time, meanwhile it's a loss for both parties as far as I'm concerned...I lose interest, and they lose extra ad revenue.

    4,019 Posts
    Fri, Jul 24 2015 9:09 PM

    damn... I never recall getting anywhere near 100-400 credit a day watching vids.  Maybe one of you can help show me the way please?


  • kirla
    73 Posts
    Sat, Jul 25 2015 5:54 AM


    damn... I never recall getting anywhere near 100-400 credit a day watching vids.  Maybe one of you can help show me the way please?


    Videos start at 8 pm EST for me, Until a few days ago you were able to watch for several hours. When it said done, just refresh the page by hitting the watch videos button and there were more videos to watch. Was able to make 300-500 credits a day if you play videos for several hours. The last few day I think I made 10 cents a day watching videos.

    It happens sometimes. Live Gamer I used to make 100-300+ credits per day. About a year or 2 ago the extra videos stopped.  I'm now lucky to get the 7 views daily. I guess it can happen with the videos. 

    Sometime between 3 & 6 am EST for me,  You can watch the medical videos for 2 or 3 cents per video. You have to search threw the other offers to see them. I was making 30-50 cents per day watching them.  Lately been getting up late and only seeing a few. You can still make 17 cents printing the coupons. I just don't turn on my printer. Just have to remember to delete all print jobs before turning the printer on. 

    Under Complete Offers I can still made about 40 cents most days watching videos there. 


    4,019 Posts
    Sat, Jul 25 2015 8:07 AM

    Thanks.  I'll check it out.  I usually try to get 100 credits a day by completing one or more surveys.  

  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Sat, Jul 25 2015 11:42 AM

    some people have  nack for making free credits i wish i knew how lol