Georgie85: I used to be able to earn a couple hundred credits a day on the "Watch Videos" tab (not the carousel, the ones that load automatically just above the other offers) . Now maybe 3 or 4 videos will load and then no more load upon refreshing the page...
Same happened to me, my account has apparently been blocked from those videos now. Not sure why, I watched the videos and they got the pay.
Priesum: For what it's worth...
Bought an android tablet recently and have been accessing WGT on that purely for getting credits from videos - easily get 200+ cr per day.
Guess WGT is gearing towards a pure mobile app game?
So I tried doing the mobile videos, but my account is no longer credited for watching those videos as of today... and you have to watch them through, so again the transaction works for WGT.
I have to assume my account is not long for WGT. Odd way to conduct business...?