Agreed! Avg is a tool to go from a tier to another and moves down with the quantity of rounds played. To me, it never showed any value of the player but the quantity of rounds played. BTW, I don't think I've played any better than when I was Tour Master with an average of 62 or just below. Probably my best rounds there even on CC tournament from the back tees.
Match plays against Legend Tier (Tour Legend was not even an idea for wgt) was fun and I remember giving some game to "big guys". At this time even rare meter issues were fun!
Tiers and avg are just another motivation to perform so play the challenge given by the game to reach the highest level. No problem with this.
What bother me is the obvious need of money. Guys, when you play for playing, means having fun, trying to get away from work and all your daily or weekly duties and at the end relax, but bugs are bringing the opposite feelings just because what was released is not ready to be released, that sucks.
Updates needs to be released to improve the business as opposed to improve the comfort of the player which at the end will improve the business anyway.
I miss this time when everybody could tell about addiction to this game because it was a pleasure to log in, look for friends and play, laugh, tease, cheer, share what a game is supposed to be...all these feelings that maybe were a priority for WGT and sometimes so much needed by everyone here.